Topic: Vietnamese core language strings fully translated for FA 2.4.x

Using the rapid translation technique listed in the wiki, the entire Vietnamese (vi_VN) core strings in FA 2.4.x translation has been achieved in 2 hours without knowing Vietnamese.

Native speakers of Vietnamese may use it and advise on corrections.

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Re: Vietnamese core language strings fully translated for FA 2.4.x

Dear apmuthu!

I've install your translation file (vi_VN).

But all the interface still in English language after I active it.

Please advice me how to install new language.

Thank you very much.

Re: Vietnamese core language strings fully translated for FA 2.4.x

If you are using Linux Server, then you must install the language in the OS also.

We use:

dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales
update-locale en_US ISO-8859-1 en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 ta_IN hi_IN ar_EG.UTF-8

Add your language as appropriate.

Latest zip attached.

Post's attachments 797.3 kb, 10 downloads since 2019-09-16 

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Re: Vietnamese core language strings fully translated for FA 2.4.x

After I install this package. I seem do not work properly?

5 (edited by dungdo 10/01/2022 04:31:33 am)

Re: Vietnamese core language strings fully translated for FA 2.4.x

Don't mind anymore, I have resolved my problem. In my machine, I had not installed vi_VN.utf-8 locale.