Topic: Company Setup - Tax Parameters

In Company setup there are two parameters regarding tax

Put alternative Tax Include on Docs
Suppress Tax Rates on Docs

Does anyone know what are these parameters for. ? They don't seem to affect the Tax on Docs by all means. Are they still being used? For what? Appreciate your guidance.

Re: Company Setup - Tax Parameters

Sorry I figured them out. They are used but I never felt the need to use them. They must me useful to others.

Re: Company Setup - Tax Parameters

May be you can describe the need here. Someone else will get it benefited when they check it.

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Re: Company Setup - Tax Parameters

Fair enough.. I thought the best way is to illustrate it. I use the invoice document as an example.
See the attached file.

Post's attachments

FA_Tax_Co_Setup.pdf 417 kb, 12 downloads since 2022-07-21 

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