Topic: Date Format.

I am having a date format issue whereby when I select a date from the calendar, e.g. 04/04/2022, it appears as '04/04/2022 May 2022'. I have no idea what the problem could be. Any thoughts, ideas are appreciated.

Re: Date Format.

In your preferences option change the date format to ddmmyyyy with the separator /
you can go here YOURINSTALLATION/admin/display_prefs.php?

Re: Date Format.

Thank you @boxygen for the reply.

The date format preference works all right. The problem seems to be when I select a date from the dropdown calendar - for example , when I set the date format to 'DD/MM/YYYY' and the today's date is 02/06/2022, when I click the calendar, it defaults to 6th February. I've tried to set both the format and the separator, and not successful resolving the issue, the date once selected appears in red.

Re: Date Format.

check if "Remember last document date:"  is checked?
in Setup->Company Setup->Display Setup

Try unchecking and see it fixes

Re: Date Format.

Thank you @dz - it has improved somewhat. The problem I still have is with the drop down calendar on date fields - I have set the date format to 'DD/MM/YYYY' which is the preference for the user, but when one wants to change using the calendar, it seems to interprate the date field in the format, 'MM/DD/YYYY' like in the example in the attachment I have included - the date in the field is 3rd june, but the calendar opens 6th march.

Re: Date Format.

It may be the cache issue. FA creates temporary js files js_cahce folder in the company folder. Try removing those cache files so that FA creates new cache files and check