Topic: Journal Entry - Cursor skips through dimension field

I am new to FrontAccounting and have found it to be excellent in most regards.

I have set up my accounting system using dimensions and have found while making journal entries, the cursor skips the dimension fields [both Dim 1 & Dim 2] and lands in the Debit field.  To make a selection in Dim 1, I have to mouse over to it or shift tab to get back to it. 

While certainly not the end of the world, it opens the door for dimensions not being entered.

[Note: I am using Mozilla Firebox as my browser]

I appreciate all the hard work that has obviously gone into this software and thanks to all for sharing it.

Regards,   Frank Carll

Re: Journal Entry - Cursor skips through dimension field


In version 2.4.11 and when using Chrome, i don't have that skipping cursor, but i agree, once enabled, dimensions should be made 'mandatory' (so you can't skip it).


Re: Journal Entry - Cursor skips through dimension field

Hello again,

Based upon the "success" that advocaat.pollet had, I just installed Chrome and tried a journal entry.  Unfortunately, as with Firefox, Edge, and now Chrome, when initially tabbing from Account Code, the cursor skips Dim 1&2 and lands in the Debit field.  If I "shift/Tab" back to the account code, the cursor advances correctly.

I am using FA 2.4.11 with the default theme.

Regards,  Frank Carll

Re: Journal Entry - Cursor skips through dimension field

I confirm this issue is existing in 2.4.11
@fcarll, you can fix the issue by replace line 263 of with this code:

set_focus($sub_accounts ? 'person_id' : ($dim < 1 ? 'AmountDebit' : 'dimension_id'));

Re: Journal Entry - Cursor skips through dimension field

Thank you notrinos for your code correction. This appears to have solved the problem.

[note: in my system, it was line 265 of not 263]

Regards,  Frank Carll

Re: Journal Entry - Cursor skips through dimension field

Thank you guys for discussion this. It seems like a good fix. Will do a core fix.
