Topic: Cannot Delete / Cancel invoice from api
Hi .
I was trying to delete or cancel the invoice from api.
But i found out that the sample code has disabled the function for demonstrating how to delete with a message that it isn't implemented or tested fully.
/* Delete is currently untested, and not implemented with standard FA
// Delete
$response = $client->delete('/modules/api/sales/' . $id, array(
'headers' => TestEnvironment::headers()
$this->assertEquals('200', $response->getStatusCode());
$result = $response->getBody();
$result = json_decode($result);
// List again
$response = $client->get('/modules/api/sales/', array(
'headers' => TestEnvironment::headers()
$this->assertEquals('200', $response->getStatusCode());
$result = $response->getBody();
$result = json_decode($result);
$count2 = count($result);
$this->assertEquals($count0, $count2);
I did further study. i tried to enable the code , It gave me error for loading the class .. Which isn't there int he project.
I need to know if there is any update on this