Yeah i just found out, this fixes it...
By the way... is 1.16 upgradeable to 2.0?
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !! If i can help in anyway, e-mail me!
----- code:
$page_security = 2;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// $ Revision: 2.0 $
// Creator: Joe Hunt
// date_: 2005-05-19
// Title: Supplier Balances
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
include_once($path_to_root . "includes/");
include_once($path_to_root . "includes/");
include_once($path_to_root . "includes/");
include_once($path_to_root . "gl/includes/");
// trial_inquiry_controls();
function getTransactions($supplier_id, $date)
$date = date2sql($date);
$sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.*, ".TB_PREF."sys_types.type_name,
(".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_amount + ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_gst + ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_discount)
AS TotalAmount, ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.alloc AS Allocated,
((".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type = 20)
AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.due_date < '$date') AS OverDue
FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_trans, ".TB_PREF."sys_types
WHERE ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date <= '$date' AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.supplier_id = '$supplier_id'
AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type = ".TB_PREF."sys_types.type_id
ORDER BY ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date";
$TransResult = db_query($sql,"No transactions were returned");
return $TransResult;
function print_supplier_balances()
global $path_to_root;
include_once($path_to_root . "reporting/includes/");
$to = $_POST['PARAM_0'];
$fromsupp = $_POST['PARAM_1'];
$currency = $_POST['PARAM_2'];
$comments = $_POST['PARAM_3'];
if ($fromsupp == reserved_words::get_all_numeric())
$from = _('All');
$from = get_supplier_name($fromsupp);
$dec = user_price_dec();
if ($currency == reserved_words::get_all())
$convert = true;
$currency = _('Balances in Home currency');
$convert = false;
$cols = array(0, 100, 130, 190, 250, 320, 385, 450, 515);
$headers = array(_('Trans Type'), _('#'), _('Date'), _('Due Date'), _('Charges'),
_('Credits'), _('Allocated'), _('Outstanding'));
$aligns = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right');
$params = array( 0 => $comments,
1 => array('text' => _('End Date'), 'from' => $to, 'to' => ''),
2 => array('text' => _('Supplier'), 'from' => $from, 'to' => ''),
3 => array( 'text' => _('Currency'),'from' => $currency, 'to' => ''));
$rep = new FrontReport(_('Supplier Balances'), "SupplierBalances.pdf", user_pagesize());
$rep->Info($params, $cols, $headers, $aligns);
$total = array();
$grandtotal = array();
$sql = "SELECT supplier_id, supp_name AS name, curr_code FROM ".TB_PREF."suppliers ";
if ($fromsupp != reserved_words::get_all_numeric())
$sql .= "WHERE supplier_id=$fromsupp ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY supp_name";
$result = db_query($sql, "The customers could not be retrieved");
while ($myrow=db_fetch($result))
if (!$convert && $currency != $myrow['curr_code'])
$rep->fontSize += 2;
$rep->TextCol(0, 3, $myrow['name']);
if ($convert)
$rate = get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($myrow['curr_code'], $to);
$rep->TextCol(3, 4, $myrow['curr_code']);
$rate = 1.0;
$rep->fontSize -= 2;
$rep->NewLine(1, 2);
$res = getTransactions($myrow['supplier_id'], $to);
if (db_num_rows($res)==0)
$rep->Line($rep->row + 4);
$total[0] = $total[1] = $total[2] = $total[3] = 0.0;
while ($trans=db_fetch($res))
$rate = get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($myrow['curr_code'], sql2date($trans['tran_date']));
$rep->NewLine(1, 2);
$rep->TextCol(0, 1, $trans['type_name']);
$rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['reference']);
$rep->TextCol(2, 3, sql2date($trans['tran_date']));
if ($trans['type'] == 20)
$rep->TextCol(3, 4, sql2date($trans['due_date']));
$item[0] = $item[1] = 0.0;
if ($trans['TotalAmount'] > 0.0)
$item[0] = Abs($trans['TotalAmount']) * $rate;
$rep->TextCol(4, 5, number_format2($item[0], $dec));
$item[1] = Abs($trans['TotalAmount']) * $rate;
$rep->TextCol(5, 6, number_format2($item[1], $dec));
$item[2] = $trans['Allocated'] * $rate;
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, number_format2($item[2], $dec));
if ($trans['type'] == 20)
$item[3] = ($trans['TotalAmount'] - $trans['Allocated']) * $rate;
$item[3] = ($trans['TotalAmount'] + $trans['Allocated']) * $rate;
$rep->TextCol(7, 8, number_format2($item[3], $dec));
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++)
$total[$i] += $item[$i];
$grandtotal[$i] += $item[$i];
$rep->Line($rep->row - 8);
$rep->TextCol(0, 3, _('Total'));
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++)
$rep->TextCol($i + 4, $i + 5, number_format2($total[$i], $dec));
$total[$i] = 0.0;
$rep->Line($rep->row - 4);
$rep->fontSize += 2;
$rep->TextCol(0, 3, _('Grand Total'));
$rep->fontSize -= 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++)
$rep->TextCol($i + 4, $i + 5,number_format2($grandtotal[$i], $dec));
$rep->Line($rep->row - 4);