Topic: Purchasing and Sales Pricing


calculation of the receiving and selling price of items are still missing in the version 2.1, the document price calculation. Do you have plans for the development of this process? If you have any interest, we are ready to help and investment in development.

Best regards!

Re: Purchasing and Sales Pricing

We have implemented automatic price calculations based on selected price list.
Could you explain what do you mean by calculation of th receiving and selling price?

Re: Purchasing and Sales Pricing

OK, the purchase price of items we have in Purchasing Pricing (or Purchase Order Delivery), spread (the difference in purchase and sales price (in%)) you have to enter at the level of items in the Purchasing invoice to get the price which must go in Sales pricing. The document that we need, can look like Purchasing invoice(Purchase Order Delivery) which added three column: spread, additionally cost and sales price(= purchase price + spread + additionally cost for strange-Ino invoice).
It is link between Purchasing pricing and Sales pricing, which use in a lot of ERP software in our country and print, save like other documents.

Re: Purchasing and Sales Pricing

As far as I understand the mechanism user can set individual price for any batch of received items. Currently there is no support in FA for inventory stock control on batch level, so this feature cannot be implemented as for now, I'm affraid.


Re: Purchasing and Sales Pricing


Is it possible to have stock control implemented in FA ?



Re: Purchasing and Sales Pricing

What do you mean? If you mean serialized items etc, it can be implemented of course, but this is big task not started so far because of lack of big interest both on users and developers side.


Re: Purchasing and Sales Pricing

Hi Janusz,

Yes, agreed that it is a big task.But batch production is a common need.
Generally almost all food and drugs are batch items and there are number of categories which need stock control.
So the interested group may be larger. Can we start off with batches at least ?
Please let me know, if I can be of any help.



Re: Purchasing and Sales Pricing

So seems we have no developers/commercial users from food nor drugs industry wink.
Yes, of course we can start it, and I would like to help as much as I can. Currently I'm seriously involved in development of central repository for any themes/languages/extension packages for FrontAccounting. As soon as this implementation will be mature enough to be checked into CVS  I will have more time for other development ideas.

There is also list of future development directions on Wiki in development section. I have just upgraded your status to Senior Member, so if you wish you can edit wiki pages in Devel section as you wish smile. If you have already some thoughts about implementation of this feature,  please open new wiki page linked to wishlist and try to describe this to be discussed by other community members.
