Topic: Exchange Rates - date not refreshed on update

The date on the screen is not being refreshed when the exchange rates are updated. The data is correct in the database.

In gl/manage/exchange_rates.php, on line 132 the 'date' is updated to 'Today()', yet only the 'BuyRate' is refreshed on the screen (line 140).

I believe that this patch fixes the issue.

@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ function display_rate_edit()
         $_POST['BuyRate'] = 
             maxprec_format(retrieve_exrate($_POST['curr_abrev'], $_POST['date_']));
+        $Ajax->activate('date_');
     amount_row(_("Exchange Rate:"), 'BuyRate', null, '',

Hope this helps

Re: Exchange Rates - date not refreshed on update

@PaulShipley: Which exchange rate provider was chosen?

@joe: ?

Re: Exchange Rates - date not refreshed on update

@apmuthu: I don't remember but it was probably ECB. I don't think it matters as this code only depends on 'get_rate' being set (line 136).