126 (edited by dopee15 06/28/2018 02:20:13 am)

Re: Import Transactions

I was able to display the freight cost by changing the parameter $freightcost = 0 to $freightcost...
BUT for import_add_to_order() I retain $freight_cost = 0... reason for this is error when payment term is "prepayment"

is this a safe way to do it?

Re: Import Transactions

In a prepayment, we may not know the freight cost then. Whatever way you import, it is best to edit them later to reflect actuals.

Re: Import Transactions

Hello thanks for the reply... I usually import data from my website(wordpress/woocommerce) which determines the shipping cost... once I upload it... It has shipping cost already.. Payment method is prepayment as customers have options to give partial payment..

Re: Import Transactions

Hello  when will this extension support multicurrency as in 2.4? ex : account in AED, expenses in USD?
Today, there is no currency translation depending on source account...

Re: Import Transactions

Have always gotten the response "You must enter reference"

I thought if it's set blank it can generate new reference ?

Mine is 2.4.3 and was using official extensions repo then replacing it with batwhete or apmuthu's one

innovation-driven technology

Re: Import Transactions

The said string "You must enter reference" does not exist in both the core files of FA 2.3.x and FA 2.4.x and in their respective extension files.

Please check to see if you have done any customisation of the core files where the said alert emanates.

Post's attachments

import_transactions.zip 50.5 kb, 25 downloads since 2020-02-07 

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132 (edited by aleifuuwork 02/07/2020 12:36:03 am)

Re: Import Transactions

Hi @apmuthu,

When i'm using the official repo, the error message where similar to what I saw earlier in the post. And to my knowledge and as far I've remembered I did not touch/edit any of the core files

The followings are what I've got :

Undefined index: pattern in file: /var/www/html/frontaccounting/includes/references.inc at line 80
Undefined property: import_sales_cart::$prep_amount in file: /var/www/html/frontaccounting/sales/includes/db/sales_order_db.inc at line 42
Undefined property: import_sales_cart::$fixed_asset in file: /var/www/html/frontaccounting/sales/includes/db/sales_order_db.inc at line 75
Undefined variable: ret in file: /var/www/html/frontaccounting/modules/import_transactions/includes/import_sales_cart_class.inc at line 315

Hence I thought there must be something not right /w the official extension files of import_transactions/

When I try your FA24Extensions/import_transactions ... the error message became around 'missing reference'

So far have had not success with this extension

And I'm testing this from a recently restored system that basically consist of fresh FA2.4.3 installation and an .sql from working system

Not sure if that helps because it appears that the system is missing 'pattern' definition

innovation-driven technology

Re: Import Transactions

Btw I only have 1 line in the .csv for trying the Direct Sales Invoice Processing

And this is that line
Processing line 2 (10, 10, , 01/12/2020, 4, Retail, , , EKM.B02HTM48, EKONOMIS HITAM AVAL 40/28 x 02 x48, 1, Kg, 20000, 0, 0, DEF, 01/12/2020, Mr A, 1 Abe Street Glasgow G32 FHT, 134134, jj@adfa.uk, , , , ) in import file 'test_import2.csv')

Maybe someone with enough experience can highlight if there are simple formatting error that otherwise the program won't indicate which one is

Also my Transaction Reference pattern defined for Sales Invoice is as follows :
Sales Invoice    SI    -{YYYY}/{MM}-{001}

I thought when you leave blank at the reference colum , the module would create new reference based on the pattern ... but apparently the errors stopping it from doing so

innovation-driven technology

Re: Import Transactions

You have used the template at templates/single_line_salesinvoices.csv in the import_transactions extension.

There are 24 commas (,) which means that there are 25 fields in all in the said template.

FA 2.4.3 was released on 2017-10-11
FA 2.4.8 was released on 2020-02-04

Import Transactions extension was last updated in my unofficial repo on 2019-05-12.

Attached is the changed files necessary to upgrade FA v2.4.3 to 2.4.8. Check for any extra sys_prefs table entries and config.default.php variables to put into your DB and config.php file as needed.

Make sure that the address or other field does not have any commas (,).

State your PHP/MySQL/Server version and locale settings.

Post's attachments

FrontAc_v2.4.3_to_2.4.8_changed_files.zip 1.1 mb, 15 downloads since 2020-02-07 

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Re: Import Transactions

Hi @apmuthu,

Does this mean that extension that you can install via "Install/Activate extensions" won't work with FA 2.4.3 that was released on 2017-10-11 ?

On the "Install/Activate extensions" it says it's available / suited for version 2.4.0-5

So with that mind, I thought it should be working out of the box

I'm reluctant to do upgrade at the moment, since it involves some work too to make sure data integrity isn't compromised during upgrading and such

Which 'import_transactions' version should work /w FA 2.4.3 then ? maybe i'll start with that for now

innovation-driven technology

Re: Import Transactions

Try it first in a sandbox by upgrading to 2.4.8 and with the official import transactions bundle and then replace the files with the one in Post 131 here.

Re: Import Transactions

I am working on a 2.4.8 version of FA. I have downloaded and copied the directory in Post 131 into modules/import_transactions. When I try to import a set of journal entries, I get the all green messages:
( Person: 2, Reference: 5 )
Added to table 'bank_trans': 8, 1, 5 , 11/23/19, 1500, 0, 2 (line 2 in import file 'FrontAccounting - 2020_05_11 - Rental Income test journal import.csv')
Added to table 'gl_trans' Debit bank account: 8, 11/23/19, 10200, 12, 0, 1500, ( Person: 2, Reference: 5 ) , 0, 2 (line 2 in import file 'FrontAccounting - 2020_05_11 - Rental Income test journal import.csv')
Yet I see no entries in the relevant accounts with or without the trial run indicator set.
Looking for somewhere to start looking for the problem.

Re: Import Transactions

Turn on debug in the config file and see what errors accrue.

Re: Import Transactions

My bank transactions include transfers between bank accounts.  Is there any way to make this work with Import Transactions?

Re: Import Transactions


But it does support journal entry to accomplish the same thing.

Re: Import Transactions

Will Quick Entries do the job?

Re: Import Transactions

Don't know....I have 7 years of statements that I need to import and am trying to avoid manual keying.  There are 10 different accounts involved, and there are many account transfers.  Would be great if a bank transaction import supported bank transfers as well....can't quite figure out how to accomplish this in the data imports.

Re: Import Transactions

Use General Journal Processing, e.g.

000001/99,03/28/1998,"Bank Account 1:Funds Transfer",-500.00,3300,,,,,,
000001/99,03/28/1998,"Bank Account 2:Funds Transfer",500.00,1060,,,,,,

Re: Import Transactions

Thanks, I'll try that.  Amputhu, why did you mention quick entries?  Were you thinking of the bank_import module that supports that?  Does that module work pretty well?

Re: Import Transactions

Quick Entries are to avoid importing transactions for rarely occurring transactions with a standard set of entries. They can be analysed as an anatomy of the transaction in the backup sql differences before and after a transaction and mimicked as calculated and suitably formed SQL constructs for direct application on the database.

Quick Entries is an integral part of FA and not an external module.

Re: Import Transactions

Using FA version 2.4.10, I have struggled with this module for two days now without success, tried variations of supplied templates, the progress bar runs and shuts immediately, nothing showing, even with SQL debugging set to on.

Re: Import Transactions

Hi @lawmaina78, You managed to fix the import problem?

Re: Import Transactions

bradlanier wrote:

My bank transactions include transfers between bank accounts.  Is there any way to make this work with Import Transactions?

I just made the stupid mistake of trying to do the above with import transactions...

So now I have a situation where the gl_trans entries are correct for both bank accounts, but the entries in only one of the bank accounts are correct (gl and bank entries match) but for the other account the gl entries are missing from the bank account....

Any suggestions how I can manually recover, e.g. could I just add the required entries into the bank_trans table?

Re: Import Transactions

Hmm, if you tried journal entries for bank transfers as I suggested (which works for me), and that resulted in the data corruption that you experienced, then that would be a bug.

Can you post the the input file, or at least the relevant part, that caused the missing g/l entries?  If you do, and I can confirm the bug, I may be able to fix it.

I also recommend commenting out:
// error_reporting(E_ALL);

Oddly enough, errors and notices are not shown otherwise.

Re: Import Transactions

Thanks for response Braath Waate...

I didn't use Journal Entries as I should have done (I was being lazy and thinking that it would save having to duplicate every line in the original file without considering that it would not create the bank account entries.) I think it is expected behaviour.

There are no missing entries in gl_trans - all correct. But there are only bank account entries in bank_trans for one of the two bank accounts.

So I am trying to figure out what I need to do to correct my error, rather than report or fix a bug.

I don't use FA on a regular basis, so every year I have to remember/re-learn all my previous errors, some aspects are as intuitive as I expect (I am not an accountant)