1 (edited by niyazofficial@gmail.com 08/23/2020 08:16:41 pm)

Topic: Display Same GL Report same as General Ledger Inquiry

I would like to Display Reports and Analysis  =>General Ledger =>  GL Account Transactions same as General Ledger Inquiry type report.

The reason is that

1) General Ledger Inquiry I Cannot download as Pdf

2) GL Account Transactions Report the Description or Memo very congested (rigid) 

Is there any Option for this?

Re: Display Same GL Report same as General Ledger Inquiry

2) "the Description or Memo" is refer to person/memo?
It's no enough spaces to print all in A4 paper.
If you can leave out the dimension field on GL Report (rep704.php) change the memo column on 4 to 7,   $rep->TextCol(4, 7,    $txt, -2);
and remark the dimension (from line 162 on ver 2.4.8) as follow:

// Remove dimension
//if ($dim >= 1)
//    $rep->TextCol(4, 5,    get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension_id']));
//if ($dim > 1)
//    $rep->TextCol(5, 6,    get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension2_id']));
$txt = payment_person_name($myrow["person_type_id"],$myrow["person_id"], false);
$memo = $myrow['memo_'];
if ($txt != "")
    if ($memo != "")
    $txt = $txt."/".$memo;
    $txt = $memo;
// Change memo on col 4 to 7
//$rep->TextCol(6, 7,$txt, -2);
$rep->TextCol(4, 7,    $txt, -2);