1 (edited by cedricktshiyoyo 07/27/2020 10:03:05 am)

Topic: Bank Account Payment Entry / gl_payment_view.php

Hello guys,

I was wondering if it is possible or necessary to add extra fields, textboxes in bank_payments, that can allow the any autorized person insert his name when a transaction is being processed? And also display more company information on the heading part when you print the ledger.
Company logo, company name, address , Contact number etc....

echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>" . "<h2>" . $db_connections[user_company()]["name"] . "</h1>" . "</td></tr></table>"; 
echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>" . "<h2>" . $db_connections[user_company()]["name"] . "</h1>" . "</td></tr></table>"; 
$logo = company_path() . "/images/" . $this->company['coy_logo'];

Pay To:    
To the Order of:    
From: Bank Account

Authorized by:

Approved By:

Received By: (Name & Signature)

OR Second option: Just to add extra labels in gl_payment_view.php after  the block

display_heading2(_("Items for this Payment")); 

echo "                         Authorized By : _______________________"; echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
 echo "                         Approved By : _______________________<span align='right'>                                                                                   Received by :_________________</span>" ;

Re: Bank Account Payment Entry / gl_payment_view.php

The screen display is kept simple. The reports already have the graphics - logo option. Report Footers mods are in the Wiki.