I made this modification for a clinic, hence the name of the patient and case field.
As for the batch selection, it is only appear when delivery or GRN operation exist.
So, it will only appear on:
- Direct delivey
- Direct invoice
- Delivery against sales order
In purchasing, it will only exist in:
- Direct GRN
- Direct supplier invoice
- Receive Purchase Order Items
In inventory, you can see batch selection in adjustment and stock transfer.
There is no need to choose batch in sales order and purchase order due to batch mostly internal document.
apmuthu wrote:Patient's Name and Case are the 2 new form fields in Sales => Direct Delivery and Sales Order in your demo. Where is the batch Selection? The Invoice against Sales Delivery has a Batch button though. None of the Purchase links have any Batch feature.
Provide some sample data to experience the Batch details.
You can do away with the 0_cases table and keep the data as a comma delimited string in a setting in the 0_sys_prefs table.
The other extra tables used are 0_stock_batch, 0_stock_batch_moves.
The 0_stock_batch_moves table can be accommodated within the core 0_stock_moves table (possibly others above too) with some combination of innocuous values in unused fields of price, reference and standard_cost.