Topic: Import of Direct Sales Invoice from csv fails
Just starting out with fresh install of FA 2.4.8.
In Display Setup chose date format YYYY/MM/DD
Updated module import_transactions according to (post by apmuthu at 2017-12-25 12:50:55 am, post ID 117 in that thread)
Defined a customer with branch; shows up in table 1_cust_branch
Did a database backup
Defined an item category for service items; shows up in 1_stock_category
Defined an item in that category; shows up in 1_stock_master
Manually entered a direct sales order for the customer and item defined above; is reflected in tables 1_refs and 1_sales_orders.
Did Import of Journal Entries - success (they show up in reports)
Did a database restore
Redefined same item category and same item.
Imported Direct Sales order for that customer and that item from csv file, turned off trial run check mark; success of processing signaled in green; but there is no change in database tables 1_refs or 1_sales_orders (they stayed empty).
csv file imported:
customer_id,branch_No,reference, date,payment_id,sales_type_name,dimension_id,dimension2_id,item_code,item_description,quantity,unit,price,discountpercentage,freightcost,delfrom, deldate,delto, deladdress, contactphone, email,custref,shipvia, comments,ex_rate
1, 1, 2345,2020/04/11, 2, Retail, "", "", "5551", "Pattern tow", 1,Each,32.00, 0, 0, DEF,2020/04/11, Cust,"Bergseth Field","206 660 0019",, "001", Glider,"Roberto's pattern tow", 1
I expected that the import action is reflected in at least tables 1_refs and 1_sales_orders. What might I be doing wrong?