Topic: Can't see Charts

Hi Everyone! I have juste installed the 2.4.8 version and everything is working right but there is just one exception, I can't see the charts (graphics) in each dashboard. I can't find what is missing to be installed.

I hope you can help me. Thanks.

Re: Can't see Charts

Are you sure you have data for the fiscal year. If you are using the demo material, try to back one fiscal year.


Re: Can't see Charts

I have information and there is a lot . Actually I see the table of ranking of sales (for example) but not the chart.
I think it has happened to me in the past but I don't remember how was the solution
I hope  you can help me. Thanks

Re: Can't see Charts

You could set the variable $go_debug in config.php to 2 to trap any errors. There might be an explanation. I too remember that I had this problem once, but like you I have forgotten what caused the error.


Re: Can't see Charts

Thaaaaanks a lot! I found the solution. I checked the log file and I saw this: Unhandled exception [0]: Call to undefined function imagecreatetruecolor().

And the solution was to install this complement in php

sudo apt-get install php7.0-gd.

Re: Can't see Charts

Glad you solved it smile


Re: Can't see Charts

@lugess: Thanks.

You need the GD extension in PHP to be installed.

$testGD = get_extension_funcs("gd"); // Grab function list 
if (!$testGD){ echo "GD not even installed."; exit; }

Re: Can't see Charts

Thanks a lot! I will take into account in the future.