Topic: The get_balance function needs to adjusted to eliminate voided entries
The get_balance function also includes the voided payment or edited payment. Its better, we have to include the voided table to exclude the entries of voided amount.
here is my adjusted code.
function get_balance($account, $dimension, $dimension2, $from, $to, $from_incl=true, $to_incl=true)
$from_date = date2sql($from);
$to_date = date2sql($to);
$sql = "SELECT SUM(IF(amount >= 0, amount, 0)) as debit,
SUM(IF(amount < 0, -amount, 0)) as credit,
SUM(amount) as balance
FROM ".TB_PREF."gl_trans trans LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided AS vd ON trans.type = vd.type AND trans.type_no =,"
.TB_PREF."chart_master coa,"
.TB_PREF."chart_types act_type, "
.TB_PREF."chart_class act_class
WHERE trans.account=coa.account_code AND ISNULL(
AND act_type.class_id=act_class.cid"
." AND ".($from_incl ? "tran_date >= '$from_date'" : "tran_date > IF(ctype>0 AND ctype<".CL_INCOME.", '0000-00-00', '$from_date')")
." AND ".($to_incl ? "tran_date <= '$to_date'" : "tran_date < '$to_date'")
.($account == null ? '' : " AND account=".db_escape($account))
.($dimension == 0 ? '' : " AND dimension_id = ".($dimension<0 ? 0 : db_escape($dimension)))
.($dimension2 == 0 ? '' : " AND dimension2_id = ".($dimension2<0 ? 0 : db_escape($dimension2)));
$result = db_query($sql,"No general ledger accounts were returned");
return db_fetch($result);
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