The said error occurs in the function add_journal() defined and called in write_journal_entries() in gl/includes/db/ where the full complement of 10 arguments are used. Other functions too call it through:
add_supp_invoice() <= purchasing/includes/db/
void_supp_invoice() <= purchasing/includes/db/
add_wo_costs_journal() <= manufacturing/includes/db/
handle_negative_inventory() <= includes/db/
add_exchange_variation() <= gl/includes/db/
add_cust_supp_revaluation <= gl/includes/db/
delete_this_fiscalyear() <= admin/db/
None of the above functions are directly called in the extension file modules/import_multijournalentries/import_multijournalentries.php.
The file /gl/includes/db/ is included in the above extension file which defines the function add_gl_trans() which has many more arguments but does not use the event_date parameter.
The functions called by the said extension file of importance are:
write_journal_entries() <= gl/includes/db/
add_bank_transaction() <= ** (Cannot find it defined anywhere - not even in FA 2.3.x) **
However, these functions are defined:
add_bank_transfer() <=gl/includes/db/
add_bank_trans() <= gl/includes/db/
and both do not match the number and type of arguments used in the call.
The missing function add_bank_transaction() can be compared to the function write_bank_transaction() defined in gl/includes/db/ but even this does not match the arguments used in the call.
@joe: where and how do we define the function add_bank_transaction() now?