Topic: Database Prefix vs No Database Prefix?
Is there any benefit to using a database prefix when we are not presently limited to one (or very few) mysql databases on our system?
One example I thought of: I didn't know if there could be easier store interactions from one company to a second company if they both share the same database with each having unique table prefixes as opposed to two separate databases - One owner, two semi-separate location situation: Locations can transfer material, but financials need to be kept separate.
Also - With our initial company setup being tested in FA, this company database now has a prefix. If I wanted to use this data and not have a prefix, can the production setup be as easy as creating a new company in FA while specifying no prefix and a new database, use phpmyadmin to drop all of these tables, restore the test database (with prefix) to this new company and use phpmyadmin to replace the prefix with no prefix. Could this method break FA since the initial database had a prefix?
Thank you,