Change the tax rates and tax names to suit the example given by @rafat
wiki changed to Pakistan example wrote:Using Tax on already added Tax (Pakistan)
Certain regions in Pakistan have a Provisional Tax of 19.5% and a Advance Income Tax of 12.5% on already taxed items. Here is how you can handle that.
First create 2 Tax Types:
Provisional Tax 19.5%, rate 19.5 Remember to include the 19.5% in the name.
Advance Income Tax 12.5%, rate 14.9375(12.5 * 1.195). Remember to include the 12.5% in the name. You will need to increase the percent decimals in preferences. The value 1.195 is the value of Provisional Tax + 1. If the Provisional Tax was 6% this value would be 1.06.
Combine these two Tax Types into a Tax Group.
Find the variable, $suppress_tax_rates, in config.php about line 193. Change the value to 1. This will suppress the internal tax rate when printing.
That's it.
The last sentence is no longer valid in current FA version; you now suppress tax rates in Setup->Company setup-> Suppress Tax Rates on Docs: checkbox
Read the wiki on tax groups.
Try it out on your training company first
The FrontAccounting Wiki(Manual, examples, tips, setup info, links to accounting sites, etc)