Topic: Purchase Order With Non-Inventory Items?

I seem to not find a way to add a non-inventory item, like shop supplies or office supplies, to a purchase order. I would also need to select the proper expense category. I found a forum post from 2010 that mentioned there is no problem adding non stock items, but I don't see how to do this. At times, I need a PO with both stock and non stock items on the same order.

  Also, looking for a way to record non-physical purchases like a shipping label where I now enter a misc voucher and the selected vendor directs the record through a outbound freight GL account). I pay off the collection of labels at the end of the month. Is this where I want to use a "Direct Supplier Invoice"

  Thank you!

Re: Purchase Order With Non-Inventory Items?


If you define an Item as Category= Services and  Item Type = service then there is no inventory needed. You can also click Editable description to describe what the item is.

You can mix Service (non stock) and others on the same PO.

Re: Purchase Order With Non-Inventory Items?

Thank you @rafat! I see now. And if I select to exclude from sales, then it doesn't show up on a sales order. Excellent.

  Also, recording the purchase of a shipping label and similar: Do I want to use Direct Supplier Invoice?


4 (edited by rafat 07/25/2019 05:48:41 am)

Re: Purchase Order With Non-Inventory Items?


If you are not issuing a PO then a Direct Supplier Invoice fine.