Topic: credit note for services
I entered a correct invoice. While entering the next one, I didn't pay attention that the last customer was chosen and didn't choose the correct customer. And I entered the invoice for an incorrect customer. Now, I needed to issue a credit note to cancel the incorrect invoice. For "Credit Note Type", I didn't change the default option "Items Returned to Inventory Location". All the items were services. The result was awkward:
Journal Date Account Code Account Name Dimension Debit Credit Memo
11/23/2018 6010 HaVaTeK Revenue 1 HaVaTeK 2018 Vägi 30.00
11/23/2018 5200 HaVaTeK Expenses 1 HaVaTeK 2018 Vägi 16.20
11/23/2018 1510 Inventory 16.20
11/23/2018 6010 HaVaTeK Revenue 1 HaVaTeK 2018 Vägi 16.20
11/23/2018 6010 HaVaTeK Revenue 1 HaVaTeK 2018 Vägi 0.05
11/23/2018 1200 00012 Accounts Receivables: RAJAPUU 46.25
Total 62.45 62.45
For "HaVaTeK 2018 Vägi", an expense of 16.20 is registered and the same amount was debited to inventory. How can a service be an inventory at all? And why did it happen only for one row, not the first and third row?