Topic: Journal Entry: entry records with person_type_id and person_id


Jurnal entry write records in the table X_gl_trans with defoult values for the last two fields person_type_id and person_id: 0 or NULL. This process does not establish a connection with customers, suppliers or other transactions.
Is it possible to enter a record to add two more fields (ComboBox), where they could choose person_type_id (0-miscellaneous, 2-customer, 3 - suppliers, ... and I do not know whether there is still something), and depending on the selected specifically person_id.
This Jurnal Entry is very useful to use the application in our region, but it combines three existing processes Jurnal Entry, Bank Payment and Bank Deposite.

Best regards,

Re: Journal Entry: entry records with person_type_id and person_id

person_type_id and person_id is stamped with info from Sales Invoices/deliveries/credit notes and supplier/invoices/credit notes and with info from Manufacturing etc. etc.
It is not possible for us to change the journal entries to also include person_type_id and person_id. You can, however modify the code yourself.
