Topic: How to send an invoice for the commission

We have a partner for whom we will send an invoice for the commission of their sale of beer with us. How are we going to do that? They are not listed before, neither as a supplier/vendor or a customer.

Thanks in advance


Re: How to send an invoice for the commission

Salesman Commission.

Re: How to send an invoice for the commission

Hi please explain.

Our partner is responsible for the entire sales process. All we have to do is send them an invoice of 10% of their sales revenue at the bar.
I am a beginner in this accounting program and it would have been nice if you could guide me step by step how this is best to do.

Thanks in advance


Re: How to send an invoice for the commission

Setup Tab => User Accounts Setup => Make your Partner a new user with Access Role as "Salesman".
Sales Tab => Sales Persons => Add your Partner as a Sales Person with 10% Commission.
Login as the Salesman (Your Partner) and generate Sales Invoices. Commissions on all such invoices will now be credited to your partner.

Check rep106.php - Customers: Salesman Listing.

A base commission % till a certain threshold amount of sales per invoice and then the balance is computed as a second percentage.

Re: How to send an invoice for the commission

Hi, thanks for your reply.

But I feel this is the opposite way. My partner runs his own company and collects the entire sale from the bar, but we need to send an invoice and get 10% of my partner's sales.
Hope you have a solution to this, and can guide me the right way.

Thanks in advance

Re: How to send an invoice for the commission

I see them as a customer. Then business as usual . You provide them with a service and you invoice them 10%.

Re: How to send an invoice for the commission

@Geir: As your partner runs his own company, how will you know about his sales invoices to bill him your commission? If he sends you a sales statement each month, then you can invoice him the 10% as a normal direct invoice.