Topic: user_list_cells Real name sometimes shows empty

Yes the real name is sometimes empty, users may skip to input real name, because its not mandatory,  Incase if they didnt input, the user_list_cells function will be showing an empty list. so lets change the query to be like this.

 $sql = " SELECT user_id, IF(real_name = ' ', user_id, real_name) FROM ".TB_PREF."users";

suppose if the real name empty, it will show the user_id in it. which will avoid confusions

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Re: user_list_cells Real name sometimes shows empty

Thanks @kvvaradha.

This has been fixed and committed to stable repo.

The fixed file can be downloaded here.


Re: user_list_cells Real name sometimes shows empty

Should we not check if real_name is blank instead of a single space?

Re: user_list_cells Real name sometimes shows empty

Sure, thanks @apmuthu.

This has been re-committed. Fixed file here.
