Don't know if it would help but I tried to capture the sql_trail for just one entry. I exported it and pasted it in the code box below.
(599, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, ''),
(600, 'UPDATE 0_users SET last_visit_date='2019-03-25 18:28:28'\n WHERE user_id='Admin'', 1, 'could not update last visit date for user Admin'),
(601, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, ''),
(602, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, ''),
(603, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, ''),
(604, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, ''),
(605, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, ''),
(606, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, ''),
(607, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, ''),
(608, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, ''),
(609, 'BEGIN', 1, 'could not start a transaction'),
(610, 'INSERT INTO 0_sales_orders (order_no, type, debtor_no, trans_type, branch_code, customer_ref, reference, comments, ord_date,\n order_type, ship_via, deliver_to, delivery_address, contact_phone,\n freight_cost, from_stk_loc, delivery_date, payment_terms, total, prep_amount)\n VALUES ('930','0','27', '30','27', '','auto','','2019-03-24', '3', '1','Janet Gould','1445 Iva Street\\nBurton, MI 48509', '', '0', 'DEF', '2019-03-24','4','50','0')', 1, 'order Cannot be Added'),
(611, 'INSERT INTO 0_sales_order_details (order_no, trans_type, stk_code, description, unit_price, quantity, discount_percent) VALUES (930,30,'101', 'Donation -Tithe', 50,\n 1,\n 0)', 1, 'order Details Cannot be Added'),
(612, 'INSERT INTO 0_audit_trail (type, trans_no, user, gl_date, description, stamp)\n VALUES('30', '930',1,'2019-03-24','', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)', 1, 'Cannot add audit info'),
(613, 'UPDATE 0_audit_trail audit LEFT JOIN 0_fiscal_year year ON year.begin<='2019-03-24' AND year.end>='2019-03-24'\n SET audit.gl_seq = IF(, 0, NULL),, stamp=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE type='30' AND trans_no='930'', 1, 'Cannot update audit gl_seq'),
(614, 'UPDATE 0_sales_orders SET version=version+1 WHERE order_no='930' AND version=0 AND trans_type=30', 1, 'Concurrent editing conflict while sales order update'),
(615, 'INSERT INTO 0_debtor_trans (\n trans_no, type,\n debtor_no, branch_code,\n tran_date, due_date,\n reference, tpe,\n order_, ov_amount, ov_discount,\n ov_gst, ov_freight, ov_freight_tax,\n rate, ship_via, alloc,\n dimension_id, dimension2_id, payment_terms, tax_included, prep_amount\n ) VALUES ('930', '13',\n '27', '27',\n '2019-03-24', '2019-03-24', 'auto',\n '3', '930', 50, '0', 0,\n '0',\n 0, 1, '1', 0,\n '6', '0', '4', '0', '0')', 1, 'The debtor transaction record could not be inserted'),
(616, 'INSERT INTO 0_audit_trail (type, trans_no, user, gl_date, description, stamp)\n VALUES('13', '930',1,'2019-03-24','', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)', 1, 'Cannot add audit info'),
(617, 'UPDATE 0_audit_trail audit LEFT JOIN 0_fiscal_year year ON year.begin<='2019-03-24' AND year.end>='2019-03-24'\n SET audit.gl_seq = IF(, 0, NULL),, stamp=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE type='13' AND trans_no='930'', 1, 'Cannot update audit gl_seq'),
(618, 'INSERT INTO 0_debtor_trans_details (debtor_trans_no,\n debtor_trans_type, stock_id, description, quantity, unit_price,\n unit_tax, discount_percent, standard_cost, src_id)\n VALUES ('930', '13', '101', 'Donation -Tithe',\n 1, 50, 0, \n 0, 0,'1013')', 1, 'The debtor transaction detail could not be written'),
(619, 'UPDATE 0_sales_order_details\n SET qty_sent = qty_sent + 1 WHERE id='1013'', 1, 'The parent document detail record could not be updated'),
(620, 'INSERT INTO 0_stock_moves (stock_id, trans_no, type, loc_code,\n tran_date, reference, qty, standard_cost, price) VALUES ('101', '930', '13', 'DEF', '2019-03-24', 'auto', '-1', '0','50')', 1, 'The stock movement record cannot be inserted'),
(621, 'INSERT INTO 0_trans_tax_details \n (trans_type, trans_no, tran_date, tax_type_id, rate, ex_rate,\n included_in_price, net_amount, amount, memo, reg_type)\n VALUES ('13','930','2019-03-24',0,0,1,0,'50','0','auto',NULL)', 1, 'Cannot save trans tax details'),
(622, 'UPDATE 0_debtor_trans SET version=version+1\n WHERE type='13' AND ((trans_no='930' AND version=0))', 1, 'Concurrent editing conflict'),
(623, 'INSERT INTO 0_debtor_trans (\n trans_no, type,\n debtor_no, branch_code,\n tran_date, due_date,\n reference, tpe,\n order_, ov_amount, ov_discount,\n ov_gst, ov_freight, ov_freight_tax,\n rate, ship_via, alloc,\n dimension_id, dimension2_id, payment_terms, tax_included, prep_amount\n ) VALUES ('930', '10',\n '27', '27',\n '2019-03-24', '2019-03-24', 'Dn190148',\n '3', '930', 50, '0', 0,\n '0',\n 0, 1, '1', 0,\n '6', '0', '4', '0', '0')', 1, 'The debtor transaction record could not be inserted'),
(624, 'INSERT INTO 0_audit_trail (type, trans_no, user, gl_date, description, stamp)\n VALUES('10', '930',1,'2019-03-24','', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)', 1, 'Cannot add audit info'),
(625, 'UPDATE 0_audit_trail audit LEFT JOIN 0_fiscal_year year ON year.begin<='2019-03-24' AND year.end>='2019-03-24'\n SET audit.gl_seq = IF(, 0, NULL),, stamp=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE type='10' AND trans_no='930'', 1, 'Cannot update audit gl_seq'),
(626, 'INSERT INTO 0_debtor_trans_details (debtor_trans_no,\n debtor_trans_type, stock_id, description, quantity, unit_price,\n unit_tax, discount_percent, standard_cost, src_id)\n VALUES ('930', '10', '101', 'Donation -Tithe',\n 1, 50, 0, \n 0, 0,'2025')', 1, 'The debtor transaction detail could not be written'),
(627, 'UPDATE 0_debtor_trans_details\n SET qty_done = qty_done + 1\n WHERE id='2025'', 1, 'The parent document detail record could not be updated'),
(628, 'INSERT INTO 0_gl_trans ( type, type_no, tran_date,\n account, dimension_id, dimension2_id, memo_, amount) VALUES ('10', '930', '2019-03-24',\n '4011', '6', '1', '', '-50') ', 1, 'The sales price GL posting could not be inserted'),
(629, 'INSERT INTO 0_gl_trans ( type, type_no, tran_date,\n account, dimension_id, dimension2_id, memo_, amount, person_type_id, person_id) VALUES ('10', '930', '2019-03-24',\n '1200', '0', '0', '', '50', '2', '27') ', 1, 'The total debtor GL posting could not be inserted'),
(630, 'INSERT INTO 0_trans_tax_details \n (trans_type, trans_no, tran_date, tax_type_id, rate, ex_rate,\n included_in_price, net_amount, amount, memo, reg_type)\n VALUES ('10','930','2019-03-24',0,0,1,0,'50','0','Dn190148','0')', 1, 'Cannot save trans tax details'),
(631, 'INSERT INTO 0_gl_trans ( type, type_no, tran_date,\n account, dimension_id, dimension2_id, memo_, amount) VALUES ('10', '930', '2019-03-24',\n '', '0', '0', '', '0') ', 1, 'A tax GL posting could not be inserted'),
(632, 'REPLACE 0_refs SET reference='Dn190148', type='10', id='930'', 1, 'could not update reference entry'),
(633, 'INSERT INTO 0_debtor_trans (\n trans_no, type,\n debtor_no, branch_code,\n tran_date, due_date,\n reference, tpe,\n order_, ov_amount, ov_discount,\n ov_gst, ov_freight, ov_freight_tax,\n rate, ship_via, alloc,\n dimension_id, dimension2_id, payment_terms, tax_included, prep_amount\n ) VALUES ('930', '12',\n '27', '27',\n '2019-03-24', '0000-00-00', 'CP19138',\n '0', '0', 50, '0', 0,\n '0',\n 0, 1, '0', 0,\n '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0')', 1, 'The debtor transaction record could not be inserted'),
(634, 'INSERT INTO 0_audit_trail (type, trans_no, user, gl_date, description, stamp)\n VALUES('12', '930',1,'2019-03-24','', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)', 1, 'Cannot add audit info'),
(635, 'UPDATE 0_audit_trail audit LEFT JOIN 0_fiscal_year year ON year.begin<='2019-03-24' AND year.end>='2019-03-24'\n SET audit.gl_seq = IF(, 0, NULL),, stamp=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE type='12' AND trans_no='930'', 1, 'Cannot update audit gl_seq'),
(636, 'INSERT INTO 0_gl_trans ( type, type_no, tran_date,\n account, dimension_id, dimension2_id, memo_, amount) VALUES ('12', '930', '2019-03-24',\n '1045', '0', '0', '', '50') ', 1, 'The GL transaction could not be inserted'),
(637, 'INSERT INTO 0_gl_trans ( type, type_no, tran_date,\n account, dimension_id, dimension2_id, memo_, amount, person_type_id, person_id) VALUES ('12', '930', '2019-03-24',\n '1200', '0', '0', '', '-50', '2', '27') ', 1, 'Cannot insert a GL transaction for the debtors account credit'),
(638, 'INSERT INTO 0_bank_trans (type, trans_no, bank_act, ref,\n trans_date, amount, person_type_id, person_id) VALUES (12, 930, '4', 'CP19138', '2019-03-24',\n '50', '2', '27')', 1, 'The bank transaction could not be inserted'),
(639, 'INSERT INTO 0_comments (type, id, date_, memo_)\n VALUES ('12', '930', '2019-03-24', 'POS_RRBC #930')', 1, 'could not add comments transaction entry'),
(640, 'REPLACE 0_refs SET reference='CP19138', type='12', id='930'', 1, 'could not update reference entry'),
(641, 'INSERT INTO 0_cust_allocations (\n amt, date_alloc,\n trans_type_from, trans_no_from, trans_no_to, trans_type_to, person_id)\n VALUES (50, '2019-03-24', '12', '930', '930', '10', '27')', 1, 'A customer allocation could not be added to the database'),
(642, 'COMMIT', 1, 'could not commit a transaction'),
(643, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, ''),
(644, 'SET sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'', 1, '');