@Braath Waate Thank you very much for for the code snippet from above. It should completely fulfill my request but I have either made a change wrong or my existing version of FA isn't updated to the correct level.
To begin with, I am using Version 2.4.4 Build 17.03.2018. When I try Purchases -> Supplier Invoices -> Go to add an entry using the Quick Entry method, I get the entry added correctly but with the "red x" in the next to last right side field and the "Edit Pencil" in the right most field. To me, that is what I was hoping for but when I press either the "red x" or "Edit Pencil", the line is deleted and all that is left is the original partially empty default line that is there when first entering this input form.
Also, the "Edit Pencil" not only deletes the Quick Entry line but then displays a light green banner across the top of the form with the Account Number of the default entry centered in the green banner and "Edit line from document" box on the far right side of the form's title line.
I have attached copied code snippets that I changed for both of my files below:
Part 1 of changes to invoice_ui.inc:
function display_gl_controls(&$supp_trans, $k)
$accs = get_supplier_accounts($supp_trans->supplier_id);
if (!isset($_POST['gl_code']))
$_POST['gl_code'] = $accs['purchase_account'] ?
$accs['purchase_account'] : get_company_pref('default_cogs_act');
Part 2 of changes to invoice_ui.inc:
delete_button_cell("Delete2" . $entered_gl_code->Counter, _("Delete"),
_('Remove line from document'));
edit_button_cell("Edit" . $entered_gl_code->Counter, _("Edit"),
_('Edit line from document'));
if ($mode > 1) {
1 set of changes in purchasing/supplier_invoice.php:
$id4 = find_submit('Edit');
if ($id4 != -1)
$id2 = -1;
if ($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->can_access('SA_GRNDELETE'))
Thank you for all of the help that you have done. If you or anyone can find what I have done wrong, it will be greatly appreciated.
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