Topic: Initial Login - Removing Company Dropdown


I wish to start using FA as a solutions for 2 companies, however I do not wish to expose the company names in the dropdown at the login stage - mainly for privacy reasons, i.e. I do not want Company A to know that there is also Company B on the same system etc etc.

How can I do about that?



Re: Initial Login - Removing Company Dropdown

By a texteditor, you can rename the company-names in the dropdown box. You can do that by editing the file, config_db.php. You can use some pseudo-names for the companies here. The real names are used from the respective company database. And of course you should have different passwords for your users, so they can't login if they shouldn't.

Another approach is to have 2 installations of FA on different directories, with only 1 company on each.


3 (edited by rIGO 09/12/2009 05:18:46 pm)

Re: Initial Login - Removing Company Dropdown

Thanks joe. The pseudo-names is not a bad idea although I would prefer total anonmity. Would it be possible to make some type of mod in order to include a text box instead of a dropdown?

How do I go about it? - I do have some basic knowledge on php so I should be able to perform some simple tasks.

Re: Initial Login - Removing Company Dropdown

Look into access/login.php. Here you can change user interface elements. BTW this is one of a couple of old files using mostly HTML with small php inclusions.


5 (edited by fabmendez 07/11/2012 12:02:14 pm)

Re: Initial Login - Removing Company Dropdown

I know this is an old thread however I am trying to achieve the same thing as I do not want to show company name. I have had a play with the login.php but I just cant get it to work for me.

This is the code snippit that I have been working with.


echo "<tr><td>"._("Company")."</td><td><select name='company_login_name'>\n";
      for ($i = 0; $i < count($db_connections); $i++)
         echo "<option value=$i ".($i==$coy ? 'selected':'') .">" . $db_connections[$i]["name"] . "</option>";
      echo "</select>\n";
      label_cell($demo_text, "colspan=2 align='center'");

--end code--

Any help would be gratefully appreciated

Re: Initial Login - Removing Company Dropdown

If you want to have no company selector on the login screen, you can supersede the select input field with a hidden one.
Or if your goal is to separate companies, you can simply have one source tree per company (installed in separate folders). All FA sources have a couple of Megabytes of code, so this should be no problem even on any budget hosting account.