Topic: Indian GST Module

Is there any module / extension available for compliance with the requirements of Indian GST Act, specially :
1. HSN  /SAC Code in the Item master and its display in the invoice.
2. Title of the invoice as "Tax Invoice".
3. GSTIN of the recipient.
4. Separate display of Billing address and Shipping Address
5. Declaration for place of supply along with state and state code
6.Display of the applicable CGST / SGST / IGT / Union Territory GST / Cess rate and amount for each item separately in the invoice
7. Report generation for filing GSTR-1, GSTR-2 (if applicable), GSTR-3 etc.

Re: Indian GST Module

user @anoopmb seems to be developing this, search his posts

The FrontAccounting Wiki(Manual, examples, tips, setup info, links to accounting sites, etc)

Re: Indian GST Module

Anoop MB has uploaded a version of GITHUB, claiming to have Indian GST functionality, but after installing I find no feature related to Indian GST.

Re: Indian GST Module

You need to discuss this with him

The FrontAccounting Wiki(Manual, examples, tips, setup info, links to accounting sites, etc)

Re: Indian GST Module

Kindly provide the GitHub Link other than here.

6 (edited by kvvaradha 10/24/2018 05:53:07 am)

Re: Indian GST Module

@Verma, - I am not sure, whether he has done this thing before.

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: Indian GST Module

@kvvaradha's article will be useful and is attached herewith.

Post's attachments

Indian GST in FrontAccounting.pdf 258.1 kb, 34 downloads since 2020-03-25 

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Re: Indian GST Module

My approach in creating setup for Indian Tax System in FA

Step by Step Procedure

@apmuthu can you please include this approach in English Indian COA - New. for Indian GST


Post's attachments

FA_indian_tax_setup.jpg 834 kb, 3 downloads since 2020-09-22 

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Mohsin Mujawar
Impulse Solutions

9 (edited by dearmosin 08/29/2020 11:40:57 pm)

Re: Indian GST Module

@apmuthu - Here Is MYSQL Query For English Indian COA - New

Post's attachments

FA_indian_tax_dearmosin.txt 11.4 kb, 15 downloads since 2020-09-22 

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Mohsin Mujawar
Impulse Solutions

10 (edited by dearmosin 08/30/2020 04:28:01 am)

Re: Indian GST Module

@flpages this Tax Setup Is Just For India Which Have Complex Taxation Method

For Example:

A product purchase from other state is tax with IGST, which is sold within business state and tax with CGST and SGST

A product purchase from other state is tax with IGST, which is sold in other state and tax with IGST

A product purchase within business state is tax with CGST and SGST, which is sold in other state and tax with IGST

A product purchase within business state is tax with CGST and SGST, which is sold in business state and tax with CGST and SGST

i.e. CGST = IGST/2 & SGST = IGST/2

All Input Tax Are Accumulated in GL Account Code 2050 - 2061
All Output Tax Are Accumulated in GL Account Code 2000 - 2011

Here we need two Tax Group one for business state and another for other state.

If we put same account for Sales & Purchase in Tax Type, it will be more confusing. Since same account code can't we used multiple time in FA for Tax Type. And has to be Under 3 Account Code for each tax type.

Problem behind this 2 type of tax on same product, depending upon state in which goods is sold.

The main focus of solution is to use FA as it is, without messing core. We can create extension custom report to deal with tax compliance.


Mohsin Mujawar
Impulse Solutions

Re: Indian GST Module

@dearmosin thanks for sharing.

Re: Indian GST Module

I'm still looking for following functionalities in FA :
1. HSN  /SAC Code in the Item master and its display in the invoice.
2. Title of the invoice as "Tax Invoice".
3. GSTIN of the recipient.
4. Separate display of Billing address and Shipping Address
5. Declaration for place of supply along with state and state code
6.Display of the applicable CGST / SGST / IGT / Union Territory GST / Cess rate and amount for each item separately in the invoice
7. Reports generation for filing GSTR-1, GSTR-3 etc.

Re: Indian GST Module

2 & 4  are easy fixes.. change your translation; so "Invoice" becomes Tax Invoice, "Charge To"  becomes Billing Address and "Delivered To" becomes Shipping Address

The FrontAccounting Wiki(Manual, examples, tips, setup info, links to accounting sites, etc)

Re: Indian GST Module

Indian GST Unit Of Measure 0_item_units SQL Data Dumping

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `0_item_units`;
-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `0_item_units`

CREATE TABLE `0_item_units` (
  `abbr` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(40) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `decimals` tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
  `inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `0_item_units`

INSERT INTO `0_item_units` (`abbr`, `name`, `decimals`, `inactive`) VALUES
('BAG', 'Bags', 0, 0),
('BAL', 'Bale', 0, 0),
('BDL', 'Bundles', 0, 0),
('BKL', 'Buckles', 0, 0),
('BOU', 'Billions Of Units', 0, 0),
('BOX', 'Box', 0, 0),
('BTL', 'Bottles', 0, 0),
('BUN', 'Bunches', 0, 0),
('CAN', 'Cans', 0, 0),
('CBM', 'Cubic Meter', 2, 0),
('CCM', 'Cubic Centimeter', 2, 0),
('CMS', 'Centimeter', 2, 0),
('CTN', 'Cartons', 1, 0),
('DOZ', 'Dozen', 1, 0),
('DRM', 'Drum', 1, 0),
('GGR', 'Great Gross', 1, 0),
('GMS', 'Grams', 3, 0),
('GRS', 'Gross', 1, 0),
('GYD', 'Gross Yards', 2, 0),
('KGS', 'Kilograms', 3, 0),
('KLR', 'Kiloliter', 3, 0),
('KME', 'Kilometre', 2, 0),
('MLT', 'Millilitre', 3, 0),
('MTR', 'Meters', 2, 0),
('NOS', 'Numbers', 0, 0),
('OTH', 'Others', 0, 0),
('PAC', 'Packs', 0, 0),
('PCS', 'Pieces', 0, 0),
('PRS', 'Pairs', 0, 0),
('QTL', 'Quintal', 3, 0),
('ROL', 'Rolls', 1, 0),
('SET', 'Sets', 1, 0),
('SQF', 'Square Feet', 3, 0),
('SQM', 'Square Meters', 3, 0),
('SQY', 'Square Yards', 3, 0),
('TBS', 'Tablets', 0, 0),
('TGM', 'Ten Gross', 0, 0),
('THD', 'Thousands', 2, 0),
('TON', 'Tonnes', 3, 0),
('TUB', 'Tubes', 1, 0),
('UGS', 'US Gallons', 2, 0),
('UNT', 'Units', 0, 0),
('YDS', 'Yards', 2, 0);

-- Indexes for dumped tables

-- Indexes for table `0_item_units`
ALTER TABLE `0_item_units`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`abbr`),
  ADD UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`);

Mohsin Mujawar
Impulse Solutions

Re: Indian GST Module

@verviv I has this module for Indian GST I soon update it on my GitHub repo.

Mohsin Mujawar
Impulse Solutions

16 (edited by gssekhar 03/16/2022 08:41:59 am)

Re: Indian GST Module

Please let me know if any one can give me the customized PO with HSN code included in the PO.  HSN code module too.
Mohsin GST is working fine.  I have tested it.

17 (edited by dearmosin 03/16/2022 03:25:36 pm)

Re: Indian GST Module

@gssekhar please make sure to use customer group for indian states as it will help you for place of supply. Here is screenshot for HSN module

Mohsin Mujawar
Impulse Solutions