1 (edited by notrinos 09/14/2018 02:05:21 pm)

Topic: Error line break on supplier_list_cells when label is set to null

If call function supplier_list_cells with label set to null then the inactive check cell will be pushed down.
This can be tested on supplier.php with label modified to null on line 292.
Solution: function supplier_list_cells of ui_list.inc should be

function supplier_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, 
    $submit_on_change=false, $all=false, $editkey = false)
    if ($label != null)
        echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
        echo "<td>";
        echo supplier_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change, 
        $all, $editkey);
        echo "</td>\n";

Re: Error line break on supplier_list_cells when label is set to null

True, But we mostly use supplier list cell with label. May be it will help to improve the code issues. if someone uses without label..
Instead of

echo "<td>$label</td><td>\n";

Replace with

 echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
        echo "<td>";
Subscription service based on FA
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Re: Error line break on supplier_list_cells when label is set to null

You are great guys! Will fix this later.


Re: Error line break on supplier_list_cells when label is set to null

This has been fixed and committed.
Thanks guys.
