Topic: build-in e-mail function

When  I select Yes at the e-mail customer option.
(in the frontaccount/reporting/reports_main.php screen)

I get a green message that the invoice has been sent to the customer.

But i don't receive any mail at all.
Should I setup the mail client somewhere?

Re: build-in e-mail function

FrontAccounting mailing feature depends on php mail() function. This function is not configurable on interpreter nor script level, so any issues have to be tracked on target  system. Please consult php manual and your system documentation.


Re: build-in e-mail function

I have tested with a very little php mail script to find out if thats working, and it is.
So php mail seems to not be the problem.

I did a clean install of Frontaccounting (2.1.2), to test it again.
Fa gives me the "mail sent correct" message, but nothing happens.

So what else can i try to fix it?

Re: build-in e-mail function

Have you tested to see if the email has ended up in the receivers spam filter? Some spam filters are very 'cruel'.


Re: build-in e-mail function

Yes i checked that, it did not end up in the spam.

Re: build-in e-mail function

Hello again,
I have done some research on this. If the recipient of the email has been delivered through a mail forwarder it seems to hang up in the first email spam filter and doesn't get forwarded at all. Will you check that too, jackel7007.
To avoid our emails with attachments to be catched by spam-filters we probably need to refrase the emails.
Anyone have any good ideas here?

Now it looks something like this:

Dear Sirs Ghostbusters Corp.,

Attached you will find  Order no. 56

Kindest regards

Demo User
Training Co.
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
(222) 111.222.333

and the attachment may look like this:
4a6ef175e16b2.pdf (could this be a problem?)


Re: build-in e-mail function

Joe I don't have any idea on that..
But I think it would be nice to make some testmail system.
That way users can verify that mail can ben sent out.
(Just a mail with simple text to confirm delivery)

Re: build-in e-mail function

Hello again,
We are about to ship the release 2.1.4 (only bugfix release) in a couple of days. We have improved the email letter a bit and given the attachment a more normal description. Hopefully it helps.


Re: build-in e-mail function


great to hear, we await the release.

10 (edited by jackel7007 08/03/2009 12:11:00 pm)

Re: build-in e-mail function

I have installed 2.1.4 but still no good result.

Frontaccounting still gives me the green ok message, that the mail has been sent.
And I am still able to sent an e-mail trough the php mail using a simple php file to test it.

Is there any way to figure out where it goes wrong?

Is there anyone else, who can confirm that it does work?

Re: build-in e-mail function

I have no idea why this is not workning. Hopefully somebody in the community can help us.
You could make a test using the included class /reporting/includes/ and see if you can find something strange.


Re: build-in e-mail function


when you do a test  yourself, you get a positive result?

Re: build-in e-mail function

Yes when I test this on the demo server with a small test mail script.


Re: build-in e-mail function

You can simply check how it works on demo server. Please find some any sales order you want to send by email, then enter your own e-mail address temporarily in customer branch record related to selected SO, than select email report. Ina moment you will have the report in your mail box. Don't forget to clean up the email field in customer branch after the test or you will be suffered by unsolicited email from time to time wink.