Topic: The Future of FrontAccounting

Hello all Senior Members and Developers

On a Developer meeting yesterday we, @itronics (Janusz) and I, have decided to call for more help.
Janusz is very occupied by his main work, but he will still be helping us with his great knowledge and Code
I am getting older, and am no longer such a Work Horse as before, although still fit for tasks.

We are looking forward to the next major 2.5 and more.

At present we are very satisfied with the core implementation. It is not fully object oriented, but we feel it is
easy to work with. Eventually change of the core could be a candidate to a future 3.0 version. We will see.

On the Forums, @apmuthu is doing a tremendious job. He tries to help all, both newbies and more skilled users.
Very good.

Janusz is very fond of @notrinos's implementation of a tiny Human Resource extension, FrontHrm, on Github.
He would like to give it a closer look and eventually some modifying of the Tax implementations and other things
before including in the core.
You should be proud, @notrinos, he is not easy to convince smile
This would be a candidate for 2.5 release.
I guess we will start with an active 2.5 release soon on our Git repo.

We need help with php/javascript developers, 2 to 3 guys. I have seen the following guys contributing with
various code:

@Braath Waate

Just to name a few. I know there are more. Some of these have not been active lately.

Should anyone of you have a knowledge of php/javascript, just tell us if you are interested in being part
of the developer team.

We also need a Website Administrator and Designer to rewire the page(s).

And we also need some good writers for doing some Public Relations for us. We feel that a lot more people should know about FrontAccounting.

Should you feel interested, please be in touch. Either here or use our email addresses.

This topic will be both on the Announcement Forum, but the Working Horse will be in the Modifications Forum.

Developers, Senior Members are welcome with things needed in 2.4 and future 2.5. We welcome source code for your solutions.

An example is the 'Landing Costs' discussed earlier. If someone can find a simple solution to this, it would be nice.

Please use the Modification Forum version for dialogs. It will be a Sticky topic.


Re: The Future of FrontAccounting

This is indeed a very nice move.
Handing the baton to the next generation developers who have shown their mettle.
Much better than corrupted democracies foisted on one and all!