Topic: A couple of non-gettext strings in the following official extensions
A couple of non-gettext strings in the following official extensions:-
Cash Flow Statement
Annual Balance Breakdown - Detailed
Annual Expense Breakdown – Detailed
The months and the string ‘Account’ in the header row will not translate; the following fix works:-
File: modules\rep_cash_flow_statement\reporting\rep_cash_flow_statement.php
251: $headers2[0] = 'Account';
251: $headers2[0] = _('Account');
And to translate the months
In the same file: modules\rep_cash_flow_statement\reporting\rep_cash_flow_statement.php
260: $headers2[] = substr($header_row[$i], 0, $wrap_point);
260: $headers2[] = _(substr($header_row[$i], 0, $wrap_point));
File: modules\rep_annual_expense_breakdown\reporting\rep_annual_expense_breakdown.php
Lines 275 & 284 respectively
File: modules\rep_annual_balance_breakdown\reporting\rep_annual_balance_breakdown.php
Lines 273 & 282 respectively