Topic: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports


There is a bug in Customer balances & supplier balance report. As per my balance sheet ending 31 Mar 2013, my debtors balance is £32,876 but which I run my customer balances report today (17 Apr 2013) with dates 1/4/2012 to 31/3/13, total outstanding is £25,082. I've realised the report not showing invoices as outstanding for invoices paid after 31 March. If I deduct column totals of "Charges" & "credits" I get correct balance which tallies to balance sheet. Also same bug on supplier balance report. It would be nice if this could be fixed.


Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

I am not sure I understand your question. These reports have been here since the very beginning.
All your transactions in the period should be here. There are also opening balances.

I guess it is how you read the balance sheets.


Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

Hi Joe

These 2 reports gives wrong total balances. For example, I had 1 customers owing me £1000 on 31 Mar 2013 which is my year end. In by balance sheet as of 31 Mar 2013, my debtor should be £1000. Now on 31 March 2013 when I print customer balances report, it shows me Grand Total outstanding of £1000 (this tallies to my balance sheet). On 17 April 2013 customer pays £500. So 17 April 2013, my debtor balance is £500 on balance sheet. Now I run customer balance report today but with Start date "01/04/2012" and end date "31/03/2013", the Grand Total balance will show £500 instead of £1000 because it is showing £500 received on 17/4/13 as allocated against the invoice which was outstanding on 31 Mar 2013. I think the best way to sort this is to show outstanding balance as column "charges" minus "credits" instead of allocated column. On my excel report when I do minus of these columns, I get the correct balance.

Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

Ok, let me have a look at this. Do you have the new algorithms ready for the reports smile


Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

Hello dvarsani,

Thank you for opening my eyes on this. There were some small bugs in summations in the two reports. They are now fixed in HG repository.

Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

Hi Joe

I confirm dvarsani 'bug'. I had the same problem last year when at the end of the year my accountant asked me how much invoices were unpaid at the end of the year. I could not tell him because this report doesn't go back in time :
It list all the unpaid transaction between 2 dates (but doesn't check that the corresponding payment have been during this period).
It make sense somehow, so I would not call it bug as such because the report as it is is useful. For example you want to see all the overdue invoices older that 2 months. In that case you want to take account of all the payments. You don't need to hassle customers if they paid, even yesterday.

Even thought this case is probably 99% of use of this report and therefore the report is OK, it's still confusing when you are in dvarsani situation. You need to go back in time and see what was the payment situtation 2 month ago. Naturally you launch this report , but it's wrong. Maybe adding a checkbox allowing both behavior would be better.


Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

Hi Joe

The Grand Total line at the bottom of the report is still showing wrong total for "Outstanding" column on both the reports. It should be total of Charges minus total of credits.


Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

Hello dvarsani and elax.

Please download the attached files. Rename them to reports_main.php, rep101.php and rep201.php and replace them in /reporting folder.

When you select the report you can choose to 'Show Balance'. If this is chosen, the last column is renamed 'Balance' and shows the balance after each transaction (charge - credit).

Tell me if this is what you guys want.

If the 'Show Balance' is still unmarked the report is shown as it was before.


Post's attachments

rep101.php1 9 kb, 14 downloads since 2013-04-18 

rep201.php1 8.8 kb, 10 downloads since 2013-04-18 

reports_main.php1 18.2 kb, 12 downloads since 2013-04-18 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

9 (edited by elax 04/18/2013 01:36:58 pm)

Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

Hi Joe

Seems to work for me (both way).



Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

Hi Joe

All reports are now perfect. Great job.


Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

Thank you guys,

Changed files sent to HG repository.


Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

Thanks Joe. HG 3122 did the job.

Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

I replaced the report files that were provided above and it works perfectly now. Just the report page keeps showing this error:

"Unknown report parameter type:ORIENTATION"

Re: Bug in Customer Balances & Supplier Balances Reports

This is an old thread and was meant for FA 2.3.x and not for the current version. Kindly revert if you are on the FA v2.4.x branch. If you are on the FA 2.3.x branch, then take it's counterpart folder from the last released version in that series - better still, just upgrade to FA v2.3.26.