Success! Here is what I have had to do in order to install on Windows 10 with IIS 7, PHP 7.1.14 and FA 2.4.3
in order to handle the error message: include_once(./lang/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory include_once(): Failed opening './lang/' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php\pear')
Apparently the @ is not suppressing the error of the missing file and not letting it continue with the initial install. This is probably better programming practice to avoid throwing an error in the first place by checking for the existence of the file. Maybe should be addressed by the development group.
Change line 15 in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\frontaccounting\includes\lang\
@include_once($path_to_root . "/lang/");
if (file_exists($path_to_root.'/lang/'))
@include_once($path_to_root . "/lang/");
to handle the error message:
4 Domain file "../lang/C/LC_MESSAGES/C.po" not found. 4 Domain file "../install/lang/C/LC_MESSAGES/C.po" not found.
Add en_US language
Download the FA24Extensions in order to get the en_US language (unpack it and copy FA24extensions-master\Languages\en_US folder to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\frontaccounting\install\lang and to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\frontaccounting\lang
Create a surrogate for the missing C language extension using en_US as a basis
make a copy of C:\inetpub\wwwroot\frontaccounting\install\lang\en_US to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\frontaccounting\install\lang\C
then rename the & en_US.po files in the C\LC_MESSAGES to and C.po. Then edit and change the name inside the files from en_US to C
now copy the new C language folder to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\frontaccounting\lang (I think it needs to be in both places)
I would like to get an actual copy of the C language definitions but this seems to have worked so far.
Changes to the default php.ini file (copied from the php.ini-development template)
uncomment lines:
magic_quotes_gpc = 0 ;don't think this is needed in PHP.7.1.x but added it anyways based on FA install instructions
I think that is it so far. I will try to post up a full set of instructions and links to the getting IIS installed, PHP installed and IIS configured for it, Installing MySQL and phpMyAdmin on a windows 10 machine. I'll also try to include additional resources I used to debug with.
Thank you for all your quick responses and keen insight apmuthu