Topic: Plan to adapt with PHP 7

I noticed there are some minor error occur if I install in PHP7. Any plan to modify any unsupported or deprecated class/function in FA?

Re: Plan to adapt with PHP 7

@joe has to answer it. 

i have modified it to some FA users to adapt with php7.

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: Plan to adapt with PHP 7

I've been fixing it as I go. I'm running PHP7 in production.


Re: Plan to adapt with PHP 7

That's great @Cambell, I guess joe will update the core. Because many people are downloading it from sourceforge. so he has to do next step with your great efforts.

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: Plan to adapt with PHP 7

Ok, i understand. We just need to be backward compatible with th 5.x php.

If this is the case, i will adapt @cambells code.
