Topic: Forum Usage - best practices
As the FrontAccounting forum is community managed and driven, please use it diligently and with care. Whilst every effort is taken to ban advertising and undesirable SEO activities, it is incumbent on the user fraternity to report any
1. irrelevant posts,
2. duplicate postings and
3. postings in old threads with seemingly relevant matter often taken from other valid posts.
All of these and others not listed here introduce needless complexity and waste of human resources in moderating the board. Attempting to maintain a Hall of Shame would be an additional waste of resources.
When posting issues, please list
1. version numbers of Platform OS, Browser, PHP, MySQL, Webserver, plugins, upgrade path and locale among others as necessary
2. relevant Menu Navigation sequences,
3. screenshots appropriately annotated (host the images/documents anywhere - flickr, dropbox, etc) and linked into the posts,
4. use BBCode to format your posts