Topic: Installing Third Party Extension is not working
i was trying to install my local extension on FA.2.4.2. But its throwing Version insufficiency issue. So i digged into the portion which helps to install and activate a third party extension.
There i found an issue which i am giving it here. function "local_extension" helps to create create array for the third party extension installation. Which creates a sub array and input it on "installed_extenions.php"file. Here
version => '-'
..This should be giving trouble, It has to allow the code to get the extension version. But it seems empty and based on this version issue,the new third party extension can't be activated.
$exts[$next_extension_id++] = array(
'package' => $id,
'name' => $id,
'version' => '-',
'available' => '',
'type' => 'extension',
'path' => 'modules/'.$id,
'active' => false
That's it. the core admin can take some changes to make this run again
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