Hello Alaa,
I see you are using the Arabic language and this is good test for me.
A couple of years ago I helped another guy with Arabic language to get a suitable font to be used in the Graphics.
We found some, but I had to fix the leadings and other things with the fonts. I did that and we got some usable fonts.
In the config.php file, there is a variable called
$UTF8_fontfile = "FreeSans.ttf";
This fontfile doesn't work with the Arabic language. I have listed some utf8 fonts that can be used with the Arabic language.
Will you help and test them and give me a high five (1 - 5) character of the usability of the fonts?
Remember to spell the font names exactly. The smaller the file is the better, but it should be usable of course.
I will then incorporate one of the fonts in the default package, and change the variable in the config.default.php.
Post's attachmentsae_AlArabiya.ttf 121.5 kb, 5 downloads since 2017-05-12
ae_AlManzomah.ttf 118.1 kb, 5 downloads since 2017-05-12
ae_Tholoth.ttf 177.6 kb, 5 downloads since 2017-05-12
DejaVuSans.ttf 597.2 kb, 7 downloads since 2017-05-12
zarnormal.ttf 78.2 kb, 5 downloads since 2017-05-12
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