1 (edited by ssa 02/05/2017 06:16:05 am)

Topic: Simple API

I've followed the steps of quick start to API from this link "https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki/index.php?n=Devel.SimpleAPIModule". But it does not work. It only shows a blank page with no error code. Please suggest me what should I do to fix this. Thanks in advance.

Re: Simple API

The said link is for an FA version and SimpleAPI version that is quite dated but needs to be modified to suit the current versions. It is there as an example to modifiy as required when changes occur. What are you trying to do with the SimpleAPI?

Re: Simple API

I am developing a module in FA for courier service. Now what I want is, when a courier order is placed from the courier module, it'll be directly integrated to the sales quotation entry as sales order in sales module through SimpleAPI. How can I do it?

Re: Simple API

If the courier module is an extension to FA, then you do not need SimpleAPI. Just use the FA functions directly.

Re: Simple API

If you want to implement simple api.  You can try my tutorial.


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