Topic: Sudden WSOD and fatal error

I have used FA for 3 years now. Yesterday I entered some invoices and left for the day. This morning there was the infamou WSOD. No errors in the logs and now PHP errors. After some fiddling I was able to extract the offending fatal error.

Fatal Error: /home/maurius51/domains/ - "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function user_company() in /home/maurius51/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/maurius51/domains/ error_handler(8192, 'Methods with th...', '/home/maurius51...', 19, Array) #1 /home/maurius51/domains/ include_once() #2 /home/maurius51/domains/ include_once('/home/maurius51...') #3 {main} thrown", on page

I have not updated or changed anything an ad far as I know my host has not changed anything. I am awaiting a backup from them, but would like to try and solve it myself.

Thanks for any input!!

regards, Maurice

Re: Sudden WSOD and fatal error

The function user_company() is defined in includes/ Check if the said file exists. It may have been inadvertently been deleted or got corrupted (hard disk error). Take a dump of the html folder (web root) and compare with the original version you installed from and see if there are any files that are missing. Check with a filesize and date compare and beware of some false positives where some files may have been overwritten by extensions (rare) or customised.

It is also possible that on date change (next day), the session may ahve expired - cleare browser cache and try to login again or restart the webserver and try. What do the server logs show?

Re: Sudden WSOD and fatal error

I replaced the includes/, but to no avail. The error is still the same.
Could it be anything database related?

Re: Sudden WSOD and fatal error

PM me the access details.

Check your PM mailbox.
Your host has switched to PHP 7 - ask them to revert back to PHP 5.3 to 5.6 as it originally was.

You may be able to make the change from your hosting control panel itself like this and if using SuPHP, like this and if using Plesk, like this.

PHP 7 incompatibilities are here.

MySQL functions have been removed in PHP 7 and only PDO_MySQL and MySQLi are available in it now.

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