Topic: Reporting Shows just english

does some reports not use getext files?
Having 100% translated files some reports shows words in english instead of translated word. (even after restarting httpd)
Customer balance shows in transaction type listing
"Sales Invoice"
"Credit Note"
instead of their corresponding translated words.
I assume that this particular situation is cause this terms have not been linked with gettext chains to be translated... yet.
If this is the case, nothing else to say,  than "be patient and wait this to be includded in next release"...
Just to know if there is something wrong.


Re: Reporting Shows just english

Some strings (like transaction names) are retrieved from database, so they also should be translated in localized chart of accounts sql package.


3 (edited by alejreb 06/01/2009 08:31:14 pm)

Re: Reporting Shows just english

Thanks Janusz for your answer.
I translated type names in n_sys_types table and got the desired languaje in repports.
