Topic: Will FrontAccounting do this...


I am writing to make sure Front Accounting will meet the need I have before making too deep of a plunge into this software.

I have subscription services where each customer has a different combination of billing and possible credits each month, and some customers being tax exempt.  Billing occurs once a month.  I need an automated system to help with this billing activity.  I expect to have 300+ bills going out every month, and that happening soon.

I need a method to send a detailed billing to my customers via email.  I would prefer they use a clearing house like Pay Pal to pay me, but will take a check if they mail it to me.

The thought here is:
-I use Front Accounting to input what their charges are for the month, and what any credits are a well.
-I click a button, and that automatically emails them a PDF of the bill, or the bill in the email itself.
-Contained in that email is a button or a link for them to go out to Pay Pal and pay the amount of the bill, in a simple BLANK button with Pay Pal.  i.e., they input the amount they are paying into a blank field on the Pay Pal site.
-Pay Pal takes their money and shoots it to me.
-I reconcile the payment activity from the Pay Pal reports and do an accounts receivable thing manually and some day getting automation going for that part.

Will Front Accounting do this?


Re: Will FrontAccounting do this...

It seems that you are a lucky man. FA manage all that. So dive into it and look for yourself.


Re: Will FrontAccounting do this...

Well, this great news!  Thanks.

I was not clear on the "click a button to email the bill" part.

Is there possibly a demo in the English language somewhere that I can take a look at?


Re: Will FrontAccounting do this...

Try this . On the demo you will not be able to do admin stuff. This is for safety reasons. To dive closer you should install a copy at your own server/station.
You can also look att the next unstable release 2.2 at  .
And you can read news at and on the website.


Re: Will FrontAccounting do this...

Thanks for the info!  The demo site really helped process my understanding.

Now, need to setup a way to accept credit cards.  Working with my bank, they have the clearing system part of the picture.  They said I need a shopping cart type of technology on my server to interface with their clearing systems.  That makes sense to me.

Does FrontAccounting have an interface for a shopping cart type of technology?