Topic: Saving text with apostrophe converts to 's

How can I fix this apostrophe cause it looks like it when saving text with apostrophe, it converts to 's

2 (edited by apmuthu 08/01/2016 11:31:46 am)

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to 's

Which table, which field? Is your table and field utf-8? When you read back from the field in FA do you see the normal apostrophe?


html_entity_decode('A &#039;quote&#039; is <b>bold</b>', ENT_QUOTES);

should work.

mb_convert_encoding($string, "UTF-8", "HTML-ENTITIES");

replacing UTF-8 with your charset should work.

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

It happens when generating PDF file. I changed the charset on mysql and use html_entity_decode but no luck. I use the mb_convert_encoding and it works!

I'm still confused why this is only happening on PDF file but on other things apostrophe is never been a problem.

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

Where and in which report file you used the mb_convert_encoding() function that solved the issue? We need to see if there is a really generic solution.

The browser automagically chooses the encoding and hence screen display on html will work normally.

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

On line 81 $this->company['coy_name'], cause our company name has apostrophe on its name. I haven't tested it on other reports. But the problem why it keeps decoding the apostrophe when saving it to database. Note that I've already changed the charset to utf-8.

6 (edited by apmuthu 08/04/2016 05:50:24 am)

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

What you have done is after the fact.

Manually correct the entry in the table field to be an apostrophe instead of it's encoded version and then see if it displays correctly in the reports without using the mb_convert_encoding() function.

If all is well, then we need to correct it where the field is INSERTed / REPLACEd / UPDATEd. This needs to be done in a generic manner where all string POST variables that need to populate VARCHAR / TEXT fields get correctly stored. Such a solution will also need to take care of special characters specific to certain languages in the text as well.

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

Yes it displayed the apostrophe without using the mb_convert_encoding() funtion. How can I help? I'm not that very skilled on PHP but I'll do what I can to help.

8 (edited by apmuthu 08/04/2016 07:12:35 am)

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

Thanks. Here is the solution:

All data stored in the tables pass through function db_escape(). The Setup -> Company Setup form acquires the data and stores it using function update_company_prefs() in admin/db/ file.

It is the "ENT_QUOTES" parameter that causes the apostrophe to get encoded in the function htmlspecialchars().

The real solution will be to use the htmlspecialchars() function when the mysql_real_escape_string() is not available by altering the function db_excape() in includes/db/ :

function db_escape($value = "", $nullify = false)
    $value = @html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, $_SESSION['language']->encoding);
    $value = @htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, $_SESSION['language']->encoding=='iso-8859-2' ? 'ISO-8859-1' : $_SESSION['language']->encoding);

      //reset default if second parameter is skipped
    $nullify = ($nullify === null) ? (false) : ($nullify);

      //check for null/unset/empty strings
    if ((!isset($value)) || (is_null($value)) || ($value === "")) {
        $value = ($nullify) ? ("NULL") : ("''");
    } else {
        if (is_string($value)) {
              //value is a string and should be quoted; determine best method based on available extensions
            if (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) {
                  $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
            } else {
              $value = "'" . mysql_escape_string($value) . "'";
        } else if (!is_numeric($value)) {
            //value is not a string nor numeric
            display_error("ERROR: incorrect data type send to sql query");
            echo '<br><br>';
    return $value;

to be

function db_escape($value = "", $nullify = false)
    $value = @html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, $_SESSION['language']->encoding);
    if ($_SESSION['language']->encoding=='iso-8859-2') $value = @htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1');

      //reset default if second parameter is skipped
    $nullify = ($nullify === null) ? (false) : ($nullify);

      //check for null/unset/empty strings
    if ((!isset($value)) || (is_null($value)) || ($value === "")) {
        $value = ($nullify) ? ("NULL") : ("''");
    } else {
        if (is_string($value)) {
              //value is a string and should be quoted; determine best method based on available extensions
            if (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) {
                  $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
            } else {
                $value = "'" . mysql_escape_string($value) . "'";
        } else if (!is_numeric($value)) {
            //value is not a string nor numeric
            display_error("ERROR: incorrect data type send to sql query");
            echo '<br><br>';
    return $value;

We are only conditionally using the line $value = @htmlspecialchars...... for Polish like languages and can later remove it altogether. The old mysql_escape_string() did not use the link identifier and the encoding charset and may have needed @htmlspecialchars in which case it can be moved to just above that function.

The htmlspecialchars() encodes &,',",<,> only.

@joe: want to commit it?

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

It works! I also think that db_escape() might be doing something. Thank you for your immediate response.

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

These functions are part of the db_escape() function.

@joe: looks like you can commit it now.

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

Again this is written by Janusz. I will ask him to have a look.


12 (edited by apmuthu 08/04/2016 04:08:33 pm)

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

Yes, wonder what characters other than the 5 listed are handled by htmlspecialchars() in iso-8859-1 encoding languages like Polish. Also how would the boolean variables be escaped as they would fit the non string / non numeric conditions and return an error - hence the usage of the db_escape function would have to be prudent.

These filters may be useful.

Example filter_input() from the php manual (List of available Filters):

$search_html = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'search', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
$search_url = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'search', FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED);
echo "You have searched for $search_html.\n";
echo "<a href='?search=$search_url'>Search again.</a>";

The above example will output something similar to:

You have searched for Me &#38; son.
<a href='?search=Me%20%26%20son'>Search again.</a>

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

db_escape is crucial for application security. It prevents SQL injection and XSS attacks encoding all the content once before it is stored in database. This way we have no need to clean the db content later, in all the places where it is displayed in application.
If there is any problem with encoded chars in generated PDF file, the reason is probably either in PDF generation class or in php report file. To fix it I would like to see real step by step scenario ending with the problematic pdf file.


Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

Yes, the db_escape() role is crucial. But actually saving the decoded apostrophe is the problem. When I look the sql_trail table to see how the query looks like. It showed like this

"UPDATE sys_prefs SET value = &#039;Carmen&#039;s &#039; WHERE name=&#039;coy_name&#039;"

-- which is I think the proper: before the db_escape()

UPDATE sys_prefs SET value = 'Carmen's' WHERE name='coy_name';

-- after the db_escape() it should like this

UPDATE sys_prefs SET value = &#039;Carmen's &#039; WHERE name=&#039;coy_name&#039;

Sorry for my bad english.

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

I'm not sure what you mean.

If you have apostrophe in company name, it should be stored encoded. So exact sql is:

UPDATE sys_prefs SET value = 'Carmen&#039;s' WHERE name='coy_name';

So, when you look into your database with e.g. phpmyadmin you will see in one sys_prefs record Carmen&#039;s, and this is perfectly OK.
Where you encounter problem with this?

16 (edited by apmuthu 08/06/2016 01:28:03 am)

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

In some installs, the


gets displayed as is without being decoded on screen / in screen field.

It will be better if it is stored as:

UPDATE sys_prefs SET value = 'Carmen\'s' WHERE name='coy_name';

1. Store 3/4" nuts and 4' 2" bolt as a new item in inventory.
2. Edit it and see what you get in the Name field.
3. Make some change say 3/4" nuts with 4' 2" bolt and save.
4. View the item on screen and in the report and check if it gets mangled with double encoding....

What is the problem with using backslashes for single quotes as it is more readable in the sql backup?

What benefit do we get by using htmlspecialchars() when mysql_real_escape_string() is used alone?

What other characters are usefully modified when iso-8859-2 encoding is switched to iso-8859-1 in htmlspecialchars()?

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

I have made suggested tests. There is indeed small bug in html entities handling in support for TextWrap pdf fields. When text is longer then place for printing, it was stripped and sometimes not decoded properly. This is the only problem found. Regarding display, encoded names are always handled properly, and edition does not change anything here. Fix for the pdf problem is here.

Small explanation to the db_escape function. We are not aware about backup file readability (they are created just for database restoring), our main concern is application security, and this is why db_escape works as is. When you will change the escaping code removing html entities encoding, you will make an application vulnerable to XSS attacks.

To prevent permanent XSS vunerability you have to prevent special html characters to be stored in database, or have to be encoded whenever it is displayed back to browser. We have chosen the former approach  and implemented it in db_escape() function code (beside simple sql escaping).
The latter approach would require rewriting all the data displaying code in FA, which is just time wasting.

Regarding the lacking support for ISO-8859-2 in htmletities, this is old, never solved php problem, so we have to ommit is somehow. As all dangerous chars are included and have the same placement in both ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-2 sets, we can just fake encoding declaration here.


Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

Backport of @itronix fix above is in my FA 2.3 repo.

The fix in my post above will not need any rewriting of the code for displayed back to browser as simple sql escaping will not be touched by the db_escape's decoding code.

You're right about the XSS vulnerability and hence my earlier post's fix should not normally be used. Thanks @itronics for the explanation.

@jnunex: please test with my backport in this post without the earlier post's fix and see if all is well.

19 (edited by jnunez 08/08/2016 06:08:51 am)

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

Oh I see. Thank you for nice explanation.

I tried without mb_convert_encoding() and without your earlier post's fix, It worked!.

20 (edited by apmuthu 08/08/2016 06:04:29 am)

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

@jnunez: Hope the reports display correctly, in which case make sure that double-encoding does not take place when it is saved again.

BTW, for me, it prints and displays on screen correctly though it is stored encoded in the table field for both the sys_prefs table records and the item_codes table as well.

Tested on XAMPP v1.7.3 on WinXP SP3 (and Debian 6) and FF 37 browser.

Re: Saving text with apostrophe converts to &#039;s

Sorry I editted my post earlier. It worked. I was looking at the wrong PDF file. Thanks