Topic: Closing and Opening Fiscal Years - Speedup
The file includes/db/ has the functions close_transactions() and open_transactions() and in both, only the audit_trail.gl_seq field is updated and the gl_trans.gl_date field is unnecessarily being called in for ordering whereas the audit_trail.gl_date already has the info taken from the former at the time of transaction creation.
In the function open_transactions() there is no need for any ordering as a mere set to 0 of the gl_seq field is all that is done wholesale.
In the close_transactions(), the LEFT JOIN should be an INNER JOIN as there is no point in attempting to update records in audit_trail table where no id exists if it only existed in the gl_trans table!
A pure MySQL implementation of the close_transactions sql would reduce to:
SET @lastyr:=0;
SET @counter:=1;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE audit_tmp SELECT id, Counter AS gl_seq FROM (
SELECT id, gl_date, fiscal_year
, (@counter:=IF(fiscal_year <> @lastyr, 1, @counter+1)) AS Counter
, (@lastyr:=IF(fiscal_year <> @lastyr, fiscal_year, @lastyr)) AS LastYr FROM
( SELECT DISTINCT, a.gl_date, a.fiscal_year
FROM gl_trans gl INNER JOIN audit_trail a ON (gl.type=a.type AND gl.type_no=a.trans_no)
WHERE gl_date<='2015-12-31' AND NOT ISNULL(gl_seq)
ORDER BY a.fiscal_year, a.gl_date, b
) c;
UPDATE audit_tmp a LEFT JOIN audit_trail b USING (id) SET b.gl_seq=a.gl_seq;
DROP TABLE audit_tmp;
Likewise, the open_transactions sql would reduce to:
UPDATE audit_trail SET gl_seq=0 WHERE gl_date>='2016-01-01' AND !ISNULL(gl_seq);
Failure to correct this will cause a timeout when trying to close large fiscal years.