Topic: Start and End Date on Print Statement


Is it possible to add a start and end date on the Customer Statement under reports.

If you select the show Allocated, it prints all the transactions that the client ever had with you, instead of allocations for a specific period.

It also displays the info on the day that you draw the report.

One can do the begin and end dates with the Customer balances.



Re: Start and End Date on Print Statement

Reports that have no date ranges are for the entire period from the beginning of the active fiscal year till date. The Active Fiscal Year is set in the Company Setup.

Re: Start and End Date on Print Statement

It seems that even though you set fiscal year to current, it will display on the statement all the open fiscal years information and not just the current fiscal year when you select show allocated.


Re: Start and End Date on Print Statement

@joe: does this need fixing?

Re: Start and End Date on Print Statement

Will have a look.


Re: Start and End Date on Print Statement

Hello Sirs,

The Customer Statement is a document that you send to your Customers.

Therefore it is important that all unsettled transactions that have been done for this Customer is presented here up to the document date.

I hope you understand the importance of this.

No change to this document then.


7 (edited by seahawk 07/06/2016 08:16:34 pm)

Re: Start and End Date on Print Statement

That is true, it is a document send to the customer.

If you do not select the the show allocated, it will display the outstanding invoices. When the show allocated is selected to yes, it will give the history for the entire period that the client is with the company. In some cases this could be many pages long.

If it was possible to select the period begin and end date, then it will have an opening balance if there was any outstanding invoices and at the end a closing balance. This is normally done monthly. 

I now draw draw a Customer Balances report and print it to Excel, after which I copy it into a word document to create a statement with a begin and end date.


Re: Start and End Date on Print Statement

Choose a Ledger Folio printout for the customer for the current active fiscal year.

Re: Start and End Date on Print Statement

Not sure what you are talking about.


Re: Start and End Date on Print Statement

Banking & General Ledger -> Balance Sheet Drilldown -> Current Assets (OR) Current Liabiliries -> Accounts Receivables (OR) Accounts Payables -> Choose Account -> Click "Show" button.

In the general case when the a top account like "Accounts Receivables" is chosen, all customers transactions are listed. In case you wish to generate it for a specific customer, make it a sub-ledger here.

@joe: any other way?

Re: Start and End Date on Print Statement

