Topic: FA Module to create a FA Module

I envisage that a module to create a FA module already exists in the hands of key FA users in their private domains.

For the public domain, here is what I would consider user friendly to design and proffer for the end user:

User inputs like:

Module Name:
Short Name:
Settings, Types and Default values:
Pages: Menu Link names, Target File Names, Link Category, Link Side (Left/Right) => Position order is taken from order of entry.
New tables/table fields to be added / removed on activation / deactivation with initial values.

should be able to write the FA Module skeleton for us.

Standard functionality for page types like Add / Update / View / List can be added as parameters to pages later.

Security labels and their standard role permissions too can be part of it.

Facility to generate a pkg for signed / unsigned hosting would be a bonus.

Re: FA Module to create a FA Module

That's nice to hear,
we need to enhance the module functionality and need to solve the problem of access permissions in the public domains as well.

Subscription service based on FA
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