Topic: FA Module to create a FA Module
I envisage that a module to create a FA module already exists in the hands of key FA users in their private domains.
For the public domain, here is what I would consider user friendly to design and proffer for the end user:
User inputs like:
Module Name:
Short Name:
Settings, Types and Default values:
Pages: Menu Link names, Target File Names, Link Category, Link Side (Left/Right) => Position order is taken from order of entry.
New tables/table fields to be added / removed on activation / deactivation with initial values.
should be able to write the FA Module skeleton for us.
Standard functionality for page types like Add / Update / View / List can be added as parameters to pages later.
Security labels and their standard role permissions too can be part of it.
Facility to generate a pkg for signed / unsigned hosting would be a bonus.