Topic: Adding new debtors/customers, country field empty
Does anyone notice that x_debtors_master field country is empty?
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FrontAccounting forum → Accounts Receivable → Adding new debtors/customers, country field empty
Does anyone notice that x_debtors_master field country is empty?
which version of FA are you talking about. Here in frontaccounting there is no specific option for entering, state, city and country options. it will be one line, just type the whole on Address (textarea) and save it on address field in the debtor_master table.
there is a field in debtor_master table named company where i used to extract the country for a mini CRM i developed for my client using FA as their accounting system.
How to add country field in the form without disrupting the flow?
You could adapt the form, but then you would either have to change the database accordingly or have the backend concatenate the fields into the existing field (corresponding to the current textarea). Changing the database would require changes to the code wherever addresses are handled. (Perhaps one could do something with SQL views.)
I think apmuthu did some work where he used (abused?) a "notes" field to store what was essentially key-value data. Perhaps you could do something similar and tag the address data with things like postcode, city and country. But you'd still have to handle the tags whenever displaying (or printing) the address.
(This could possibly be developed into a general method of defining address formats, while keeping the complexity on the database side to a minimum.)
For now, I would do my best to avoid it. Is there another way you could deduce the country from existing data? VAT number? Phone number?
Let's wait for apmuthu magical guides.... he may have some outta this world views
I even wanted to have extra classifications - sales leads, etc
Short of creating an extension for your extended CRM needs with a 1:1 table mapped to an existing branch/person FA table, the non field db data method "abusing" large fields like notes will be the "documented" way out.
Use a permanent holding table (managed externally with the likes of Adminer or phpMyEdit) or a spreadsheet for your separate fields and combine them into the large FA field each time anything changes!
FrontAccounting forum → Accounts Receivable → Adding new debtors/customers, country field empty
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