Yes, the companies are all on the same database. All three are related to music groups and, to keep the number of databases down on my shared server, they need to share the same database -- I do not have many more number of MySQL database left on my host service.
For now, I have re-installed FA and restored the Backup.
However, here is an example to demonstrate the issue I see with the restoration process with FA.
IF ...
* a FA user creates (let's say) 3 FA accounts on one database with the table-prefixes of "0", "1", and "2"
* and then has issues with a damaged FA account "1" and is forced to erase it (so the FA account table-prefix "1" is now erased
* it does not look like there is an easy way of restoring that account "1" as the FA restoration process will only allow you to restore databases that still exist
* in addition FA will only let you create a database account with a table-prefix of "x+1" (starting from the last prefix number) ... so in this case, the only option in creating an account is to create a FA database table-prefix of "3" and not "1" -- FA will not allow the creation of a database table-prefix of "1", but will only allow the creation of a new database account with a table-prefix of "4"
* FA does not allow you to create a database with a table-prefix of "1", so, that the user is able to restore the table-prefix "1".
I suspect the only way to fix this example would be to create a new FA database account with table-prefix "4", do the restoration of the backup of the table-prefix "1" account and then go into the database and physically change the table-prefix name of each table by hand to "4" so that the information may then be used with the new FA account table-prefix "4".
In my case, for example, it was easier to delete my database (with all 3 companies with table-prefix "0", "1", and "2"), recreate the same 3 companies in the right order and then restore all from my backups
I am wondering if there could be a more elegant way of allowing the FA user to recreate a FA account with a table-prefix that is less than what FA normally allows? Or another way, would be for FA, when asked to create a company, it would scan the table-prefixes in use and if there are any gaps in "free" prefixes, then FA could allow the user to create a company with these prefixes as well as the usual "x-last-prefixused + 1" formula.
Sorry if this all sounds confusing. Let me know if you need me to make my example clearer or if you can see any other way of solving such a situation.
Thanks for your help and patience ... FA is a wonderful piece of software!