Topic: Installation page not showing in ubuntu 14.04


I am installing in ubuntu server, everything is set but when i open the page to my site in a browser it displays the following;
can any body help?

***********************************************************************/ $path_to_root="."; if (!file_exists($path_to_root.'/config_db.php')) header("Location: ".$path_to_root."/install/index.php"); $page_security = 'SA_OPEN'; ini_set('xdebug.auto_trace',1); include_once("includes/"); add_access_extensions(); $app = &$_SESSION["App"]; if (isset($_GET['application'])) $app->selected_application = $_GET['application']; $app->display(); ?>

I real appreciate any help!


Re: Installation page not showing in ubuntu 14.04

PHP isn't parsing the code. Is it really installed?

Re: Installation page not showing in ubuntu 14.04

Php open tag is missing. 

Just add the <?php before all the codes.  Than run again.  It will work.

If not.  Your ubuntu has not have apache server to run php files.

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