Topic: Blank page occasionally

Dear team,

I just installed v2.3.24 over a WAMP server:
Windows Server 2008R2 64bits
Apache 2.4 64bit VC11
PHP 5.6.12 x64 VC11

I was able to set it up, do some operations, etc. but now I get a blank page right after the login with admin.

I have been playing only with the to allow internet connections to repository go through proxy. I managed to download new languages and accounts but now  I keep getting the blank page even if restoring the original

I have  session.auto_start = 1 in php.ini but I don't know what else can I check....

Thanks so much for your support.


Re: Blank page occasionally

Please use the latest snapshot instead of the release version.

Re: Blank page occasionally

Thanks for answer.

I realized that I installed the LDAP extension, but since it was not configured it could not connect and hece was giving the blank page.

Just a suggestion, probably it would be convenient to deploy the config_ldap.php with the parameter 'enabled' => false

Don't know if it was only me having this issue....


Re: Blank page occasionally


Me too :-)
- I also made that error, and I stand behind You, it would be convenient to deploy the config_ldap.php with the parameter 'enabled' => false
- or to inform what will be the result of install this extension: WHITE SCREEN!

Bst. Rgs.,


Re: Blank page occasionally

If you have installed the auth_ldap extension, the default is that it is enabled. It will come into action when the extension is activated for a specific company.

You may want to update the auth_ldap extension's files from my GitHub repo.