Topic: Chart Updates in Official FA Repo

Updates to the various Chart of Accounts (CoAs) from the Official FA Repo have been incorporated along with other fixes in my GitHub Repo.

Those using the following CoAs:


will need to follow these instructions if they have already used the old CoAs:

`0_purch_orders`.`total` should be after `delivery_address` field and not at the end.
`0_suppliers`.`tax_included` should be after `payment_terms` field and not at the end.

INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` (`name`, `category`, `type`, `length`, `value`) VALUES
`0_sys_prefs`  VALUES ('bcc_email', '', 'varchar', 100, '');

UPDATE `0_sys_types` SET `type_no` = 1;

`0_bank_accounts`.`bank_account_name`: varchar(60) => varchar(120)
`0_chart_types`.`name`: varchar(100) => varchar(120)

Drop field: `0_bank_trans`.`bank_trans_type_id`
Remove dashboard_* tables
Outdated fiscal year entries
`0_currencies`.`auto_update` should be after `hundreds_name` field and not at the end.
`0_cust_branch`.`branch_ref` should be just after the `br_name` field
`0_stock_category`.`inactive` should be just before the last field.
UPDATE `0_sys_types` SET `type_no` = 1;

`0_chart_master` table:
Replace all account_code values of 00xx with 10xx
Change 8601 Profit and Loss account code to 9990 to conform to en_US-new

Replace all instances of dimension0 with dimension2